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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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The Brexit Vote has meant:



No UK recession.

One million more jobs than forecast - most of them full-time.

Wage growth has risen.

Growth has been above forecasts.



Very weak currency.

Growth down.

Massive youth unemployment.

Massive debt.


So you are saying that the above is attributable to the result of the Brexit vote.

Total tosh but keep clutching the straws.

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Project Fear forecast that immediately following a vote to leave the EU:


The stock market would crash.

The housing market would crash.

There would be a very large increase in unemployment (800,000+).


something that Sir Nige' and BoJo the Clown didn't mention was the overnight 10% drop in Sterling following the referendum vote, leading to a 20% increase in the cost of imported goods.


Which means less money in the pockets of ordinary working class people like myself, all because of the elite establishment figures who pushed for Brexit.

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something that Sir Nige' and BoJo the Clown didn't mention was the overnight 10% drop in Sterling following the referendum vote, leading to a 20% increase in the cost of imported goods.


Which means less money in the pockets of ordinary working class people like myself, all because of the elite establishment figures who pushed for Brexit.


What have you been buying that has risen 20%?

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This is what the PM said


"This deal, which delivers on the vote of the referendum, which brings back control of our money, laws and borders, ends free movement, protects jobs, security and our Union; or leave with no deal, or no Brexit at all."


Get ready....

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Is project fear still being peddled by the Remoaners ?


Nope, by the beleavers who realise they have been sold up the river and have brought the storm that filled the river down on us all...


---------- Post added 14-11-2018 at 21:35 ----------


What have you been buying that has risen 20%?


Euros for example


---------- Post added 14-11-2018 at 21:36 ----------


This is what the PM said


"This deal, which delivers on the vote of the referendum, which brings back control of our money, laws and borders, ends free movement, protects jobs, security and our Union; or leave with no deal, or no Brexit at all."


Get ready....


What for? the whiplash when she does a U-turn - this is Mrs "There will be no election" May after all...

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What have you been buying that has risen 20%?


Stock from abroad, India specifically. That happened within a week of the vote. My suppliers said the fall in sterling caused by the result caused the rise and when you look at a graph on exchange rates that's what happened. It's clear as day.



I'd guess (nothing concrete) but I'm sure the cost of vehicles have gone up. I was looking at new vans last year and this year the same model (not face lifted or anything) is up by maybe 2 or 3 grand. Could just be better deals around last year like I said, not sure.

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The Brexit Vote has meant:



No UK recession.

One million more jobs than forecast - most of them full-time.

Wage growth has risen.

Growth has been above forecasts.



Very weak currency.

Growth down.

Massive youth unemployment.

Massive debt.


Productivity 20% below the Eurozone

Employment up - only because of the availability of cheap money because of the weakness of the £

Inflation up

Skills shortages

Gap between UK debt and Eurozone debt increasing with UK debt rising higher than Eurozone debt


---------- Post added 14-11-2018 at 21:45 ----------


"Sold man river, Leave's been sold down the river,

They don't know nothing, but he must say something

They just keep wailing, they just keep whinging along"


So, in my brief reading...


We lose every potential influence, but gain nothing in return with no time frame for establishment of what we gain, as we haven't started talking about it because Mrs May is so deperate to keep some power that she has begged the EU to take what it wants?


If that is what a Leave victory looks like, I am glad that I voted remain, and for the next generation will take glee in saying "i told you so" to any leaver who has the audacity to admit they screwed the UK over like this.




Oh, and we've agreed to pay for the privilege!

Edited by Litotes
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---------- Post added 14-11-2018 at 21:35 ----------


Euros for example


I'm sure you realise that I was talking about goods and not currency as it was already explained that the there was a 20% drop in the pound.


---------- Post added 14-11-2018 at 21:50 ----------


Stock from abroad, India specifically. That happened within a week of the vote. My suppliers said the fall in sterling caused by the result caused the rise and when you look at a graph on exchange rates that's what happened. It's clear as day.


Yes I understand that as you have explained before. What I was getting at was how has the ordinary working class joker been affected.

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