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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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An FTA that Canada signed is achievable.


Pretty sure the EU offered it ages ago, even made it sweeter by calling it Canada+ (or was it ++), the UK ruled it out.


Especially since we are already in a starting position of complete alignment. Things are as easy or as difficult as the particpants want to make them. That FTA isn't the same as the open market now. But is a good FTA. The city is also looking at trading virtually as-is on Equivalence.


Equivalence = follow EU rules, there will never be any movement to change it. It's just a name. It hasn't stopped the majority of banks moving their EU related operations out of the UK and into the EU.


I can fully accept understand people wanting to Remain from a fundamental perspective. But there's way too much of an accpetance or fear that anything other than what we've been given is too difficult / impossible.


Nothing is impossible, the EU might just decide to cave on it's principles and reason to exist, it just seems unlikely.


As such, it doesn't seem to have been a good idea to vote to bet your nations economy and prosperity on something you've been promised that in all likelihood is not going to happen.

Edited by Magilla
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constantly projecting a picture of Leave voters being thick


Despite repeating the mantra, I've seen very little evidence of people doing this.


There is a vast difference between being 'thick' and being uneducated. Being uneducated puts you at a real disadvantage when it comes to discriminating between truth and lies especially when you are being bombarded by lies, fake news and very partial mainstream media coverage of the issues.

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Well,this Brexit malarkey has all become a bit of a bad joke.

Speaking of which, a castaway on a desert island was granted three wishes by a passing unicorn,who thought that he deserved a good night.

His 3 wishes were,his favourite food accompanied by the finest wines and the company of the best woman in the world.

That evening his meal was served,with a selection of wines,and then Mother Theresa arrived ?

Moral,you must be very explicit when making wishes.

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Nice work. Remain voters were all carefully considered, read all the relevant pros and cons and came up with the right choice. leavers just believed what they were told, and followed blindly. One guy dredged up for a sound bite proves the whole point. Very educated indeed sir, or are you engaging in Confirmation Bias???



I think the difference is that Remain voters knew exactly what Remain looked like; they had lived with it for over 40 years. They knew precisely what they voted for.


Leave voters had no idea of what Leave looked like - they were just promised some pie in the sky dreamworld where they could have their cake and eat it. Even arch Brexiteer said (albeit a year after the vote) that the benefits wouldn't be apparent for 50-100 years from now.


Now that it's clear that there is no deal better than remaining in the EU, many are realising what they've done.

Edited by bendix
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Despite repeating the mantra, I've seen very little evidence of people doing this.


There is a vast difference between being 'thick' and being uneducated. Being uneducated puts you at a real disadvantage when it comes to discriminating between truth and lies especially when you are being bombarded by lies, fake news and very partial mainstream media coverage of the issues.

So do you think these uneducated types should be prevented from voting in referendums and elections in the future, to ensure the correct outcome?

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