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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Into a situation where Argentina has to agree to our proposed tariff schedule. Along with Haiti, Tonga, Chad and many others...


I suspect Penny neither knows nor cares.


I have a picture in my head of him sitting in rags on a pile of rubble, smoking one of his dodgy fags like a scene from Berlin in June 1945 saying "Who cares! We left!"

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There is a vast difference between being 'thick' and being uneducated.


Very true as we have had a system of compulsory education in place in this country for over 100 years so there can be very few who are uneducated. Basically what you are stating is that those with high and university education look down on those who have only achieved up to possibly A level education. The mistake there is also assuming that those with a higher education are also intelligent.

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So do you think these uneducated types should be prevented from voting in referendums and elections in the future, to ensure the correct outcome?


Not really, but answering 4 questions before you vote to show a basic understanding of the issues could be fun. You get all 4 wrong, the table disappears and you're led into a soft play area. What's not to like?


Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that you and penny and apelike understand the issues you just have different views on how it might pan out. An awful lot didn't (and never do to be honest).

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Very true as we have had a system of compulsory education in place in this country for over 100 years so there can be very few who are uneducated.


Do you really believe that?


Watch any quiz show on UK television and it is frightening to see the lack of knowledge about everyday life in people of all ages.


Not just on TV either. At a pub quiz the week after David Davis resigned, the question was asked "Who resigned as Brexit Secretary last week?" There was a team of about seven or eight people, aged I'd say 20-35 sat at the table next to us. Not only could they not answer the question but they seemed to struggle to think of any cabinet minister and ended up putting down Teresa May as an answer to the question. Even this was after a heated discussion as to whether Teresa May was in the cabinet or not.

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I don't like the concept of centralised governement in europe. It is un-necessary simply for a free moving free trade area. I think it dilutes our democratic input.


How does it dilute it?


You can apply that argument at any scale I think, so centralised government in London dilutes the democratic input of the people of Yorkshire and we should secede... Right?

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Do you really believe that?


Watch any quiz show on UK television and it is frightening to see the lack of knowledge about everyday life in people of all ages.


Not just on TV either. At a pub quiz the week after David Davis resigned, the question was asked "Who resigned as Brexit Secretary last week?" There was a team of about seven or eight people, aged I'd say 20-35 sat at the table next to us. Not only could they not answer the question but they seemed to struggle to think of any cabinet minister and ended up putting down Teresa May as an answer to the question. Even this was after a heated discussion as to whether Teresa May was in the cabinet or not.

Tell you what, anyone who has the snobbish, eliteist arrogance to say their opinion carries more validity than someone who has less qualifications, but has raised a family, worked, seen life, formed relationships, experienced and survived in a hard world, needs a wake up call.

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