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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Not one penny in profit will be booked in the U.K.


There’s every chance that HMRC end up rebating BAE in some way for this


---------- Post added 28-06-2018 at 20:03 ----------


I suggest directing your question to BAE or the government.


You made the assertion that it will benefit our economy. Back it up.

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Not one penny in profit will be booked in the U.K.


There’s every chance that HMRC end up rebating BAE in some way for this


---------- Post added 28-06-2018 at 20:03 ----------



You made the assertion that it will benefit our economy. Back it up.


I made no assertion. I merely posted a link to a news-article.


I don't claim to know things that haven't happened yet.

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Cameron never in his wildest dreams expected the result that his election winning referendum promise brought forth, thus he never needed a plan for either scenario. The Tories then vote in another remainer as his successor, obviously devoid of any assemblance of a plan, this is just about as stupid as another pacifist succeeding Neville Chamberlain.


Anybody going into a situation with two possible outcomes not preparing for either outcome is a buffoon. Now, that is pretty much a given when it comes to Cameron, but what on earth is the Labour party doing in all this? They didn't decisively stand at either side of the debate, they couldn't convince their hinterland nor can they now decide what to do.


Opposition - they only need to back one side and they can't manage that. Admittedly that shows how complex this debate is, but equally, it shows a lack of leadership on either side of the House of Commons. And that is exactly where the problem is.


Cameron played with fire, Labour didn't extinguish it and now May is slapping small buckets, nay, thimbles of water at the issue. The country is set for disaster in this political system and leadership void.

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It’s hardly surprising that something never previously attempted can run into difficulties. The vitriol being thrown at us by certain EU leaders doesn’t make for a decent deal. May now needs to toughen up, she is showing a lack of strong leadership, and god help us if she’s got similar advisers to those that advised her to call the snap general election.

Vitriol by the EU :rolleyes:




also known as negotiation, we CANT have our cake and eat it

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It read like a positive news story for the UK as opposed to all the doom and gloom that infests these threads


If only the doom and gloom was confined to these threads we would be laughing.


Unfortunately all the doom and gloom is in the real world being put forward by real people about real things that will affect real people's lives! ?

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