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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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The war criminal Bliar on the Andrew Marr show this morning went to great lengths to explain that if we have another referendum, even if one vote is the margin of winning then we must all abide by it. I think he must be suffering some kind of amnesia, as the words below are from Camerons speeches over the referendum vote. The words are exactly what Bliar is asking for in another vote.



And when we have negotiated that new settlement, we will give the British people a referendum with a very simple in or out choice.


To stay in the EU on these new terms, or come out altogether.


It will be an in-out referendum.


I say to the British people: this will be your decision.

And when that choice comes, you will have an important choice to make about our country's destiny. 


 we will have time for a proper, reasoned debate. At the end of that debate you, the British people, will decide. 


The EU referendum is a once in a generation decision. The government believes it is in you and your family’s best interests that the UK remains in the European Union.



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19 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

It’s a more informed choice, and therefore more democratic

Er, yes it can. A50 can be withdrawn at any time

If a "more informed choice" means a vote is supposedly "more democratic", then we should hold a referendum every two years because there will always be two more years worth of additional information to base our informed choice on.


Or should we just keep having referendums until we get the result you, and the Establishment elite, desire? And then stop?

28 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

The EU referendum is a once in a generation decision. The government believes it is in you and your family’s best interests that the UK remains in the European Union.




The same government that imposed austerity to punish the poor also supports EU membership. What a surprise.


NO to austerity being imposed by either the EU or the government! 

16 hours ago, Litotes said:

But no legal basis to block a unilateral withdrawal of A50 has been identified has it?

Therefore, if the UK wants to withdraw its motion, there may be nothing standing in its way.


So, the logical next step would be a referendum for staying in or leaving now that there is more clarity about the process and the impacts.


Or would you disagree?

Completely disagree.


The democratic result of the June 2016 People's Vote has not yet been implemented, so another referendum before we Leave will only confirm to millions of people that we live in a corrupt democracy that mainly benefits the rich.


Also, if "clarity about the [Leaving] process and it's impacts" is important to you why not wait until many, many years have passed after we have left, say at least 25, when we will all have far greater clarity about the process and it's impacts?

Edited by Car Boot
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5 hours ago, Cyclone said:

What nonsense is this?  The government can hold referendi whenever they like, they don't need a "legal basis" for having one.

Not nonsense at all as the government cant just hold a referendum when it likes. It needs the approval of Parliament first and another act passed into law to make another referendum legal, hence the "legal basis" for having one.

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2 hours ago, andyofborg said:



in what way is it better?

A no deal Brexit is better because the UK would have their sovereignty back and would be in control of their own destiny. If we leave on the 29th March 2019 with a no deal Brexit then there would be short term problems which would quickly be solved.   The worst character of the human psyche is negativity. Our country has a chance to once again strike out for ourselves which will be thrown away, if we sign up to Mrs May's Brexit.  As a nation we need to want to succeed for there to be any chance to succeed.  Future deal can be made on our terms, if we leave the EU now with a no Brexit deal.

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16 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

A no deal Brexit is better because the UK would have their sovereignty back and would be in control of their own destiny. If we leave on the 29th March 2019 with a no deal Brexit then there would be short term problems which would quickly be solved.   The worst character of the human psyche is negativity. Our country has a chance to once again strike out for ourselves which will be thrown away, if we sign up to Mrs May's Brexit.  As a nation we need to want to succeed for there to be any chance to succeed.  Future deal can be made on our terms, if we leave the EU now with a no Brexit deal.

So.. nothing tangible other than the usual rhetoric then :rolleyes:

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43 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

A no deal Brexit is better because the UK would have their sovereignty back and would be in control of their own destiny. If we leave on the 29th March 2019 with a no deal Brexit then there would be short term problems which would quickly be solved.   The worst character of the human psyche is negativity. Our country has a chance to once again strike out for ourselves which will be thrown away, if we sign up to Mrs May's Brexit.  As a nation we need to want to succeed for there to be any chance to succeed.  Future deal can be made on our terms, if we leave the EU now with a no Brexit deal.

There is nothing stopping us doing that. 


This deal brings our membership of the EU to an orderly conclusion and provides a regulatory framework for two years while we negotiate a final free trade arrangement with the EU and so avoids many of the short term (and medium term) problems which would arise otherwise. It also avoids the situation where businesses face two costly transitions between regulatory frameworks.


I find it very strange that you want the country to suceed and yet want it to trade with our biggest and nearest neighbour on the worst possible terms.


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