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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Theresa May's Brexit Deal 'Will Cost UK The Equivalent Of Losing Wales Or The City':




National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR) said May’s plan will reduce the value of the UK economy by 3.9% - or £100bn a year by 2030 - compared to staying in the EU, this would be an average cost of more than £1,000 a person.  A no deal exit would reduce GDP by 5.5 per cent, or £140bn a year.


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14 hours ago, OPEN BORDERS said:

The downfall began with Cameron resigning the day after the referendum. That was shameful.

The second problem arose by the Conservatives electing a 'remainer'.

The EU will have loved that for a starter.

The EU have dictated the terms ever since.

However, this proposed deal is that bad, it satisfies no one. Therefore it will be rejected in Parliament.

You would hope, that behind the scenes whilst these negotiations were ongoing, there have been people planning ahead for the 'no deal'

Be an interesting few months ahead.


It's becoming increasingly clear Cameron's resignation was the first step in the establishment for preventing Brexit from happening.  Mrs May was always the most likely candidate to replace Cameron.  If Cameron had remained Prime Minister then the UK Government would have  more difficult to justify  the UK not  really leaving the EU or holding  another referendum.  Move the clock forward two and half years and Mrs May is claiming that the deal on offer is now the best possible deal.  Gone are the phrases 'Leave Means Leave' and  'No Deal Is Better Than A Bad Deal' and now it is 'My Deal Or No Brexit'   Yesterday morning we had Tony Blair telling us all to respect the result of the second referendum and  Emmanuel Macron telling the UK that the EU had to have access to our waters for fishing otherwise  we will be kept in the Customs Union for ever.  The Spanish were gloating that they will never be in a stronger position to get Gibraltar.


It won't be long now until Mrs May is saying  it is in the national interest to hold another EU referendum and the stitch up of the people, who voted to leave  in a democratic referendum will be complete.  


Edited by Lockdoctor
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8 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

It's becoming increasingly clear Cameron's resignation was the first step in the establishment for preventing Brexit from happening.


Ony to the unhinged.  Cameron left because he knew he couldn't deliver on a fantasy.

Edited by Magilla
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35 minutes ago, Magilla said:


Ony to the unhinged.  Cameron left because he knew he couldn't deliver on a fantasy.

It shouldn't be a fantasy for the UK people to have a Government, which implements, honours and respect a democratic choice our people were authorised to decide by our own Parliament.  Yesterday was a very sad day for any UK person who has pride and respect for their own country regardless  of how they personally voted in the EU referendum.

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It's a fantasy that was promised, and reality doesn't deliver.

57 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

It won't be long now until Mrs May is saying  it is in the national interest to hold another EU referendum and the stitch up of the people, who voted to leave  in a democratic referendum will be complete.  


So if there's another referendum, and this time your side (leave) loses.  Somehow that's a stitch up.

The 'win' of the leave vote, fuelled by Russian propaganda and the lies of the Leave campaign, that's not a "stitch up" though, that's due democratic process.


Can you hear yourself?  Really.

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30 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

It shouldn't be a fantasy for the UK people to have a Government, which implements, honours and respect a democratic choice our people were authorised to decide by our own Parliament.

Unfortunately that instruction was based on a load of now debunked lies that bore no relation to reality and could never be delivered.


It's not Theresa Mays fault you're gullible enough to fall for them. Even at this late stage, you still think no-deal is an option :loopy: (Damien Green on the telly 5 minutes ago saying parliament *will* act if no-deal looks likely)


Ultimately, the root of the vote to leave the EU was based on the fortunes and circumstances of the people in the UK improving by doing so. Now it's clear, there is ZERO chance of that happening within the lifetimes of most of the people who voted for it, if at all.


That is the reality of Brexit, it was always destined to fail in the eye's of any leaver who voted to leave based on any information provided by the leave campaigns.



Yesterday was a very sad day for any UK person who has pride and respect for their own country regardless  of how they personally voted in the EU referendum.

Or a moment to reflect on reality, two years late for many.


Anyone who has "pride and respect for their own country" wouldn't have voted to leave, not least because the reasons given were basically lies, but also because it was always going to reduce the influence of the UK throughout the world and impoverish the nation!


The irony is that *all* the sticking points in this deal are as a direct result of intransigence by Brexiters :rolleyes: If May had gone for *any* of the obvious, non destructive exits, there would have been no serious problems.


Even the DUP are starting to see the penny drop, why can't you?



Edited by Magilla
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8 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

It's a fantasy that was promised, and reality doesn't deliver.

So if there's another referendum, and this time your side (leave) loses.  Somehow that's a stitch up.

The 'win' of the leave vote, fuelled by Russian propaganda and the lies of the Leave campaign, that's not a "stitch up" though, that's due democratic process.


Can you hear yourself?  Really.

I voted to remain but unlike you and many who post here I respect the democratic referendum result. It's a stitch up because David Cameron who was given the overwhelming authority of Parliament to hold the EU referendum vote stated, if the UK people vote to leave the EU, then the UK will really leave the EU  and there won't be  another EU referendum.


Your Russian propaganda and lies rhetoric is nothing  than the rhetoric of a sore loser who has no respect for democracy.


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9 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I voted to remain but unlike you and many who post here I respect the democratic referendum result. It's a stitch up because David Cameron who was given the overwhelming authority of Parliament to hold the EU referendum vote stated, if the UK people vote to leave the EU, then the UK will really leave the EU  and there won't be  another EU referendum.

Leaving the EU doesn't have to be in any specific form. It could have happened quite easily, unfortunately the intransigence of Brexiteers has caused the roof to fall in :?


9 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:


Your Russian propaganda and lies rhetoric is nothing  than the rhetoric of a sore loser who has no respect for democracy.


.. and yet, there's a criminal case involving a prominent Brexiteer regarding just that, being investigated by the National Crime Agency?


How can this be? :suspect:







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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Leaving the EU doesn't have to be in any specific form. It could have happened quite easily, unfortunately the intransigence of Brexiteers has caused the roof to fall in :?


.. and yet, there's a criminal case involving a prominent Brexiteer regarding just that, being investigated by the National Crime Agency?


How can this be? :suspect:


But, our Prime Minister said leave means leave. Our Prime Minister said we were leaving the Customs Union.  The truth is the Brexiteers haven't been given a fair chance to get involve in the Brexit negotiations because they have been conducted by un elected  civil servants led by a Prime Minister,  who has deceive the people who voted to leave the EU.


You're lying to yourself, if you believe leave won the EU referendum because of the Russians.

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