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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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1 minute ago, Magilla said:

This forum isn't representitive of anything, other than forum members.

This forum is much more representative of how the democratic mass of the people think and believe. It's not at all representative of the out of touch Westminster bubble, where many Remainers take their views from.

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Just now, Car Boot said:

This forum is much more representative of how the democratic mass of the people think and believe.

Except it isn't, clearly.

Just now, Car Boot said:

It's not at all representative of the out of touch Westminster bubble, where many Remainers take their views from.

Yawn. Out of interest, who're you going to vote for if we get another GE before Brexit? Not Labour, presumably? :hihi:

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On 11/24/2018 at 2:51 PM, Car Boot said:

Leave would win again if fresh referendum held on Brexit, Diane Abbott says


The British public would again vote to leave the EU if another referendum is held on Brexit, Diane Abbott has said.

Labour's shadow home secretary said her party could end up backing calls for the public to be given the final sayon the terms of Brexit but predicted that Leave would again win the poll.


"But yeah, people should be careful what they wish for, because my view is that if we had a second referendum tomorrow, Leave would win again and not only would Leave win again but Leave voters would say 'What didn’t you understand about Leave the first time?".






Will Diane be counting the votes?  :)

On 11/24/2018 at 1:50 PM, Car Boot said:

 Being a Remainer is firm evidence of supporting both austerity and neoliberalism.


NO to the Tories!

NO to the EU!



Have yout het Johnson and Rees-Mogg know that they're not Tories anymore?

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

Ah, so is that your admission that Brexit wasn’t negotiated by unelected civil servants as you originally claimed, but by pro-Brexit DExEU Ministers, whose failure is attributable to Theresa May?


You forgot to add ‘remoaners not getting behind Brexit’ (unless you were keeping that one for next?) 😛


That’s what Brexit is, by pro-Brexiteers like you: an-excuse-a-minute, always someone else’s fault. Fairly pathetic, tbh.

You do so much spinning that it's a wonder you're not  permanently dizzy.  It's a fact most of the negotiations have been conducted by unelected civil servants. It's a fact Theresa May our Prime Minister has led Brexit negotiations for the EU UK.  It's a fact pro Brexit Ministers concerns though out the negotiation process have been ignored or dismissed by Theresa May.  You can't blame Pro Brexiteers for the way the negotiation process have concluded because none of them have ever been in charge. You would have more credibility in blaming  Larry the cat for the way Brexit negotiation have turned out than Pro Brexiteers because at least Larry lives in Downing Street.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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On 11/25/2018 at 12:17 AM, apelike said:

There is no legal basis because the UK have no legal right to withdraw unilaterally as nothing about the right to withdraw has been written or included in the document called A50 ,only that the process once triggered is irreversible and under a timescale limit. That is also the reason it is up for review by the ECJ for clarification on the legalities. The whole of A50 may in the future need amending to include the prospect of a member withdrawing from A50 but that will also need the majority backing of the EU27 to agree to it but until then we are stuck with it "as is."




Yes, I would disagree as logic plays no part and also bearing in mind that there is no legal basis to hold another referendum either.

What was the "legal basis " for holding the first one in 2016?

3 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

Both David Davis and Dominic Raab have been undermined by the Prime Minister.  Mrs May has led Brexit negotiations from the day she became Prime Minister.  Mrs May is calling it her Brexit deal. What  further source do you need when it has come from the horse's mouth?

You'd have thought with their superior negotiating powers thaty'd have been able to get past May...

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2 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

You do so much spinning that it's a wonder you're not  permanently dizzy.  It's a fact most of the negotiations have been conducted by unelected civil servants. It's a fact Theresa May our Prime Minister has led Brexit negotiations for the EU UK. 

Well, she most likely had to step in after Davis' shambolic efforts.  "Boats float on water", "Ports are predominantly near the sea".... :loopy:

2 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

It's a fact pro Brexit Ministers concerns though out the negotiation process have been ignored or dismissed by Theresa May. 

...as the fantasy they always were.

2 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

You can't blame Pro Brexiteers for the way the negotiation process have concluded because none of them have ever been in charge.

They have *all* ran away at every opportunity to step up! (Except Davis and Raab, who failed miserably).

2 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

You would have more credibility in blaming  Larry the cat for the way Brexit negotiation have turned out than Pro Brexiteers because at least Larry lives in Downing Street.

Simply nonsense, at every stage Pro-Brexiteers have ran tucked tail and hidden, preferring to howl from the sidelines and providing zero constructive input.


They know they can't do any better, it's now merely an exercise in trying to save their political skin.


That you're bending over backwards to forgive them with excuse after excuse for their cowardice and failure pretty much says it all.

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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

Leave campaign led by self styled party leader lied and was part paid for by dodgy business man.

Remain campaign led by public servants including PM and Chancellor lied and were funded with taxpayers money to pay their salaries, departments salaries and publish multi million pound leaflet campaign.



LOL, this is where your Y2K comments are actually relevant.


??? Don't understand your reply. So, are you of the opinion that only Leave had any form of mis-information, and all the information Osborne, Cameron and the state funded Remain campaign was all factual, and turned out to be correct???

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14 minutes ago, woodview said:

??? Don't understand your reply. So, are you of the opinion that only Leave had any form of mis-information, and all the information Osborne, Cameron and the state funded Remain campaign was all factual, and turned out to be correct???

Measures were taken to mitigate the effect, by people who knew what to do to avoid the predicted disaster... hence the more relevant comparison with Y2K:



The reality is that Osbornes dire predictions might have been a little hasty, but there is still every chance they could materialise going forward. Not so much for that £350m for the NHS, sadly :(

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