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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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19 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

You're cognitive distortion and hatred towards the Pro Brexiteers is embarrassing.

What's embarrassing is how you've been so completely duped :hihi:



If the whole country had united after the EU referendum result and all those MPs in Parliament, who voted in favour of holding the EU referendum had respected the result the democratic UK people delivered, then there would be a much more favourable withdrawal agreement on offer from the EU. 

What you believe, and what is the reality bare no resemblance. The EU were never going to split the 4 freedoms, it's only your arrogance assumes they ever would. You can't have "all the benefits with non of the responsibilities". You can't use member facilities without being a member. You can't have your cake and eat it.


That you still fail to grasp this fundamental concept speaks volumes.


The Pro Brexiteers aren't to blame for the current situation we face, but people who share the same mindset as you, who don't respect democracy are to blame.

Not really, most of 'em didn't vote leave. That's where any blame will ultimately lie.

Edited by Magilla
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30 minutes ago, Magilla said:

LOL, comprehension failure on your part. Silly goose :loopy:


Who'd have thunk it :hihi:


So, we've drifted nicely off Osbornes Remain porkies haven't we? What did you think to his speech I pasted? He did say all that stuff would happen straight after a vote, didn't he, and it didn't. So both campaigns took part in deceit. One funded by the taxpayers, one funded privately.

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22 minutes ago, woodview said:

So, we've drifted nicely off Osbornes Remain porkies haven't we?

Predictions being wrong aren't lies :rolleyes: Now, you could argue he knew it wouldn't happen.... I'm not convinced since the BofE has stated publicly the measures they had to take to mitigate instability after the vote & even then, there's still a good chance he may yet be right about the economic fallout, just not the timescale.


So both campaigns took part in deceit. One funded by the taxpayers, one funded privately.

Even if you accept that any "lies" are somehow on parity, which in my view they're not, there was only one side of the campaign that had to resort to xenophobic/racist scare mongering that had no relation to the EU vote. Only one said claimed they were "Sick of experts".


The campaigns were not on parity, no matter how much you claim they were, by any measure.

Edited by Magilla
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3 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Predictions being wrong aren't lies :rolleyes: Now, you could argue he knew it wouldn't happen.... I'm not convinced since the BofE has stated publicly the measures they had to take to mitigate instability after the vote & even then, there's still a good chance he may yet be right about the economic fallout, just not the timescale.

Even if you accept that any "lies" are somehow on parity, which in my view they're not, there was only one side of the campaign that had to resort to xenophobic/racist scare mongering that had no relation to the EU vote. Only one said claimed they were "Sick of experts".


The campaigns were not on parity, no matter how much you claim they were, by any measure.

Aaah if all else fails, pull out the racist / xenophobic card, that usually works to keep people quiet.

No they weren't on parity. One was a state funded lie machine, hell bent on keeping the global capitalist gravy train train on its tracks. Don't you mind government funded deceitful propaganda? I'd have thought you'd take a dim view of it.

Still your can't-do-wrong poster boy Osborne, has done alright since being sacked, scraping by on his £650k from blackrock for a day a week hard graft. Quite the peoples man.

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8 minutes ago, woodview said:

Aaah if all else fails, pull out the racist / xenophobic card, that usually works to keep people quiet.

Oh come off it. Every word I posted is demonstrably true! No-one from the remain side was spouting xenophobic lies or nonsensical rhetoric like "they need us more than we need them" & I haven't heard many remainers highlighting how we "saved their arses in the war" :loopy:


Brexiteers knew they were lies before the words even left their mouths. Boris' "Turkey" nonsense being a prime example.


8 minutes ago, woodview said:

No they weren't on parity. One was a state funded lie machine, hell bent on keeping the global capitalist gravy train train on its tracks. Don't you mind government funded deceitful propaganda? I'd have thought you'd take a dim view of it.

Still your can't-do-wrong poster boy Osborne, has done alright since being sacked, scraping by on his £650k from blackrock for a day a week hard graft. Quite the peoples man.

Ahhh, the mask starts to slip :P

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