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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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2 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

You forgot to add that the deal is final, no more negotiating, take it or leave it.  ;)

after i posted i thought maybe i should add its final, the only bit to get through is NOT the EU, its our own parliament, which mr "remainer" seems to have forgotten in his race to paint the EU in the worst light.

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Brilliant - the consequence of not having access to the sat-nav system is confirmed.


Britain is planning to build its own space satellite-navigation system after pulling out of the EU's Galileo project, the prime minister has said.


Well on the way to building our own third-world economy.


Thanks, brexiteers - welcome to the 20th century!


Our soldiers will be at a disadvantage due to this - Mrs May said the British army - which had been planning to use Galileo along with the US GPS - will no longer use it.



A UK minister has resigned saying a row over involvement in the EU's Galileo satellite-navigation system exposes Theresa May's Brexit deal as "naive".


Mrs May naive? Does the bear defecate in the woods?

Edited by Litotes
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On 11/29/2018 at 11:00 PM, Litotes said:

And as for having a referendum after we leave that is like offering a someone who is thinking about suicide the opportunity to change their mind after they have died.

More like forcing people to commit suicide then giving them an option after they have died.

I wonder who the first people out on the streets rioting will be when this all goes t@t's up? Bolted on it will be the people who voted for it and the people who fail at life and voted for it too. :rolleyes:

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29 minutes ago, Litotes said:

Brilliant - the consequence of not having access to the sat-nav system is confirmed.


Britain is planning to build its own space satellite-navigation system after pulling out of the EU's Galileo project, the prime minister has said.


Well on the way to building our own third-world economy.


Thanks, brexiteers - welcome to the 20th century!


Our soldiers will be at a disadvantage due to this - Mrs May said the British army - which had been planning to use Galileo along with the US GPS - will no longer use it.



A UK minister has resigned saying a row over involvement in the EU's Galileo satellite-navigation system exposes Theresa May's Brexit deal as "naive".


Mrs May naive? Does the bear defecate in the woods?

No need to worry.

The Brexit voters anticipated this backin 2016.

All it means is that the billion plus that we have already invested goes down the plug hole.but in time we have the technology to build our own system which will be added expense for a lesser product over a longer time.

Similar deals to follow,

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12 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

Apologies, RJRB.  It was me who stated only the people, who voted Leave in 2016 should be allowed to vote in another referendum to decide whether they want to relinquish their 2016 victory. My statement was in response to your comment that you believe Leave voters want to reconsider their position.  We know it's not possible to identify the people who voted leave  in 2016 because it was a secret ballot, which is why there shouldn't be another referendum and the 2016 result should be honoured.  My point is the people who voted Remain last time, which include myself  had their say and should not  be seeking to have another chance to alter the decision the democratic people made in 2016. 


 Sorry again for any confusion because I never intended to imply only Leave voters should vote in another referendum was your suggestion.

The people who had their say in 1976 have now had their democratic decision overturned though.


And not one single person believes that you voted remain.

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Another consequence of Brexit:


I believe that's the 7th Minister to go over Mrs May's deal. 

Quite why she's running round the country trying to garner support for her deal is anyone's guess, since it's only parliament that will get to vote on it.  Perhaps she's trying to placate the gammons, as she thinks that they're her natural supporters?

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7 hours ago, Cyclone said:

The people who had their say in 1976 have now had their democratic decision overturned though.


And not one single person believes that you voted remain.

Do you mean 1975?   If so, then there is a bit of a difference between waiting  41 years for another referendum in 2016  and then having an additional referendum before the result of 2016 has even been implemented. The EU wasn't the same organisation in 2016 as it was when the democratic UK people  voted in 1975 to stay in the EEC. 

10 hours ago, melthebell said:

you really do talk crap, why would the EU renegotiate after two years of "negotiating"? just because of a change in tory leadership? 

Why wouldn't they?

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7 hours ago, Mister M said:

Another consequence of Brexit:


I believe that's the 7th Minister to go over Mrs May's deal. 

Quite why she's running round the country trying to garner support for her deal is anyone's guess, since it's only parliament that will get to vote on it.  Perhaps she's trying to placate the gammons, as she thinks that they're her natural supporters?

10th minister gone

1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

Do you mean 1975?   If so, then there is a bit of a difference between waiting  41 years for another referendum in 2016  and then having an additional referendum before the result of 2016 has even been implemented. The EU wasn't the same organisation in 2016 as it was when the democratic UK people  voted in 1975 to stay in the EEC. 

Why wouldn't they?

Why would they? It's done and dusted

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10 hours ago, Litotes said:

Brilliant - the consequence of not having access to the sat-nav system is confirmed.

Just highlights, yet again, the sheer stupidity of Brexit.


Brexit is a symptom of ignorance.

9 hours ago, RJRB said:

All it means is that the billion plus that we have already invested goes down the plug hole.but in time we have the technology to build our own system which will be added expense for a lesser product over a longer time.

Similar deals to follow,

Something tells me those deals aren't going to work out quite as promised.

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