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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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I watched  Jacob Rees Mogg and Alistair Campbell having some fun on  Channel 4 news earlier. 


I thought they were amusing,  and  seemed to get on rather well all things considered.


Not that I'm not taking  Brexit seriously, but it made a refreshing change to see something relating to the subject express a bit of humour. 


Brexit odd couple clip. 




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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Arron Banks firm has 'no address':



More illegality :rolleyes:


"Bent as a nine bob bit" I think is the phrase to best sum that up.

I think you will find that it is "alleged illegality" as it has not yet been proven, and the phrase I think you want is" bent as a nine bob note" as we have never had a ten bob bit only a ten shilling (bob) note.

Edited by apelike
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On 12/4/2018 at 5:39 PM, apelike said:


Wiki also states that Selective Availability or downgrading the signal is no longer done since 2000 under a US Presidential executive order, and the newer satellites cant use Selective Availability so basically GPS now uses the full set of data and is military grade.


What is interesting is that if the EU are to progress with its own EU army and weapons production then Galileo will be an integral part of it.


Indeed. You certainly couldn't claim to have an integrated European defence force if it relied on either GPS, BeiDou or GLONASS for positioning.

Can, and indeed would, France TUPE its nuclear deterrent to a European defence force? It's not specifically proliferation …

4 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

I respect the high office Andrea Leadsom  has been given by our Prime Minister. LooB  is most welcome to inform us of any position he has been appointed to in the UK Government.

Pretty sure Andrea Leadsome has more credibility than you.  Please don't take this personally but when I listen to Andrea Laeasom on the television she makes much more sense than a poster on the Sheffield Forum who thinks 48%  beats 52%.

I think the era of deference to our betters ended about 25 years ago.

Being an MP, and even holding the highest office in the land, is a guarantor of nothing, other than a hunger for power and a desire to conceal it from voters.

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11 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

A  predictable reply from an arrogant deluded person who thinks they know everything.  I don't pretend to be an expert but I know Andrea Leasome has more credibility than a French person who has chips on both of his shoulders.  Vive la france !


Leadsom certainly has more credibility than you: she doesn’t claim every two seconds that she voted remain in the referendum.


Brexit going alright for you, mate? You’re sounding a bit excitable there.

10 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

LooB  is most welcome to inform us of any position he has been appointed to in the UK Government.

I worked in government during my national service, highest executive level in regional government, interfacing with eg local MPs and Senators, besides State Ministries: thanks, but no thanks.


I don’t crave “power” or “influence”, and private sector pay and job satisfaction is better, sooner :thumbsup:

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7 hours ago, apelike said:

I think you will find that it is "alleged illegality" as it has not yet been proven, and the phrase I think you want is" bent as a nine bob note" as we have never had a ten bob bit only a ten shilling (bob) note.

So his company does have an address. Thanks Apelike for being ahead of national media.


What’s the address?

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12 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

I respect the high office Andrea Leadsom  has been given by our Prime Minister.

Her track record of giving people high office isn't exactly a good one. Johnson, Davies, Rabb, Failing Grayling.....

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The CJEU will hand down its judgement in the Art.50 revocability case at 09:00 on 10 December, a day before the Meaningful Vote.


Carlsberg doesn’t do trolling...but if it did, it still wouldn’t top this :lol:

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