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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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3 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

It used to be literally anything with a big enough price differential. Relatives of mine in the south for example paid 20 Punts (before Euro) for someone to bring in a new TV from the north in the late 80s.

It also had a very detrimental effect on the south's economy particularly between Dublin and the border. Even allowing for your petrol/diesel costs, pretty much all high value electrical items were cheaper if you drove to the north and smuggled them back across the border.


Irish customs officers were fighting a losing battle, especially at this time of year with over 270 crossing points along 300 miles of border.

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22 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You tell me.


You are the one who is advocating leaving the single market which will inevitably lead to these differences.

I will take your answer as a Don't Know.


I am only advocating the democratic referendum result be respected and honoured,  which wont happen, if the UK remains in the single market and customs union.

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2 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I will take your answer as a Don't Know.

Nobody knows, as no post-Brexit trade deal has yet been negotiated. 


As someone who is advocating the removal of the UK from the single market what sort of trade barriers would you wish to see to make the UK more prosperous?

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20 hours ago, Litotes said:

Exactly - I still mourn Jo Cox and what she represented.

The Brexiteers seem to be set on Brexit by whatever means possible, even if it results in violence.


With such a narrow majority of the voters, and indeed a minority of the population, backing their stance, now we know what is on the table -  the government should go back to the people and ask - is this what you asked for?

And, as David Davies said, they should have the chance to change their minds, otherwise democracy does not exists in the United Kingdom.


Anyone who can argue against this is a traitor to democracy and backs right-wing thinking and totalitarianism.


Actually, I think that respecting a democratic referendum result represents a moderate position.


Not implementing the result of such a democratic vote is about as extreme and totalitarian as one can get.


Think about it.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Nobody knows, as no post-Brexit trade deal has yet been negotiated. 


As someone who is advocating the removal of the UK from the single market what sort of trade barriers would you wish to see to make the UK more prosperous?

Quite correct no post Brexit trade deal has been negotiated.  Irish border smugglers are not going to get rich, if  a free trade agreement is made post Brexit.


Keep telling you, I am only advocating the democratic referendum result is respected.  If the UK unilaterally adopted zero tariffs on all imported food and all imported clothing post Brexit , then the poorest people in our country would be more prosperous. I don't care if the non poor people in our country are not more prosperous after Brexit, but nobody knows whether as a nation we will be more prosperous or less prosperous in the long term post Brexit.

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I'm not usially one for quoting politicians but Caroline Lucas summed it up nicely today.


"We don’t want your vision of a mean-minded little Britain, with our borders closed and our horizons narrowed. 

We don’t want a future that betrays the hopes and dreams of our young people, who overwhelmingly want to stay inside the European Union.

We say that Britain is better than that, we deserve better than that."

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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Actually, I think that respecting a democratic referendum result represents a moderate position.


Not implementing the result of such a democratic vote is about as extreme and totalitarian as one can get.


Think about it.

I have thought about it and concluded that democracy includes the option to have a further referendum when salient facts should and must be taken into account.

As you appear to be one of the hard line Brexiteers,you cannot be happy with the way things are shaping up.

You are not going to get what you hoped for because when push came to shove not one Brexit politician was able,or was prepared to battle to deliver the goods.

Every one of them knows that they could not achieve an acceptable negotiated exit ,but that their best option is to shout from the sidelines.


1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I'm not usially one for quoting politicians but Caroline Lucas summed it up nicely today.


"We don’t want your vision of a mean-minded little Britain, with our borders closed and our horizons narrowed. 

We don’t want a future that betrays the hopes and dreams of our young people, who overwhelmingly want to stay inside the European Union.

We say that Britain is better than that, we deserve better than that."

I was young in the 50s and 60s but I totally agree with her sentiments as many of my generation do.

I may well vote Green next time around,as I feel that the Conservatives are failing on many fronts other than Brexit,and I fear that Corbyn’s brand of Socialism is not for me.

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4 hours ago, Magilla said:

Breaks the four freedoms, isn't going to happen.


Just another grasp at "cake and eat it".


It doesn't stop customs and border checks, an essential component of JIT supply chains.


If your product falls foul of the "rules of origin", as a significant amount of UK manufacturing would under a Canada deal, you might not be exporting at all!

Which of the four freedoms do Canada, Japan etc comply with?

It does stop border checks. The duty on the goods is paid to the shipping company, based on the commodity code. It doesn't involve an hmrc man with a clipboard sifting through the lorry.

One thing is for sure, claiming it is all impossible is a sure way to make anything impossible. Obviously the eu and people who want to remain for other reasins will line up 'impossible' obstacles.

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2 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

Quite correct no post Brexit trade deal has been negotiated.  Irish border smugglers are not going to get rich, if  a free trade agreement is made post Brexit.


Keep telling you, I am only advocating the democratic referendum result is respected.  If the UK unilaterally adopted zero tariffs on all imported food and all imported clothing post Brexit , then the poorest people in our country would be more prosperous. I don't care if the non poor people in our country are not more prosperous after Brexit, but nobody knows whether as a nation we will be more prosperous or less prosperous in the long term post Brexit.

Zero import tariffs = destruction of manufacturing and severe damage to agriculture. It would make a FTA with the EU impossible. Nobody voted for that

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14 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

Zero import tariffs = destruction of manufacturing and severe damage to agriculture. It would make a FTA with the EU impossible. Nobody voted for that

Also the TTIP style removal of food and animal welfare standards in order to trade with the US, will lead to smuggling of poor quality meat across the Irish border into the South! 

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