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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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35 minutes ago, L00b said:

Speaking of that, on the assumption that  Leadsom’s bit turns out to be a motion to suspend or postpone today’s meaningful vote as expected, then you have to consider that Parliament could well vote that motion down, after debating the withdrawal agreement for the past 5 days, whereby the meaningful vote would still happen today.

It would be interesting to see how the figures stack up on that.


I suppose that would depend on how many Tories believe that May can screw any further concessions out of the EU. My understanding of the strategy was to lose the vote (hopefully by less than 50), go back to EU then put it to Parliament again in the hope of edging it through on a second vote. As the EU were very quick to make it clear today that the withdrawal agreement is final, if the vote is delayed to give May more time to twist a few more arms and is then lost, it will be gone forever.


Given that there is no Parliamentary support for no deal, once May's deal is sunk that leaves only revoking Article 50 or holding a second referendum then revoking Article 50.


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3 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Given that there is no support for it in government, Parliament or the country, how exactly is that going to happen then?

really?? i speak to many people in all walks of life and the majority want this over and done with a hard brexit and a hard NI border, as for Parliament that remains to be seen i dont know or speak to all the MPs  ? do you?

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The people don't want a brexit at all.

5 minutes ago, helloitsonly said:

really?? i speak to many people in all walks of life and the majority want this over and done with a hard brexit and a hard NI border, as for Parliament that remains to be seen i dont know or speak to all the MPs  ? do you?

Not one single person I know wants to leave the EU.

I do know a few who voted to leave, but they've now changed their minds.

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5 minutes ago, helloitsonly said:

really?? i speak to many people in all walks of life and the majority want this over and done with a hard brexit and a hard NI border, as for Parliament that remains to be seen i dont know or speak to all the MPs  ? do you?

They want a hard NI border?  They want to break up the UK?


I thought you hard brexiters were meant to be the patriots.


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3 minutes ago, helloitsonly said:

really?? i speak to many people in all walks of life and the majority want this over and done with a hard brexit and a hard NI border, as for Parliament that remains to be seen i dont know or speak to all the MPs  ? do you?

I suspect that you live in your own kind of bubble. 


Pretty much every poll since 2016 has shown a majority in favour of remaining in the EU  and the biggest and most recent shows that majority is increasing.


How on earth does that translate into a majority wanting a no deal Brexit when the majority don't even want any Brexit at all?

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