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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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6 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Yes, I saw that and thought that he was either being naive or disingenuous.


Despite leading the Brexit campaign, he knew as much as anyone what difficulties the Irish border issue would throw up and that any deal would require guarantees. 

As we’ve seen the tactic has been to pretend NI isn’t important. That’s nonsense, as NI was the major domestic political and security issue that beset that beset the U.K. for three decades. 3,400 deaths in total.

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The fact that may can’t get Brexit through parliament demonstrates how bad an idea it is. The fact that Corbyn is still watching on from the sidelines shows how stunted politics in this country have become,  two years of no meaningful progress, still facing an abyss of epic proportions. The only reason the economy isn’t crashing like a house of cards is because traders and business leaders simply don’t believe even an incompetent government can let a no deal Brexit happen.

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38 minutes ago, tzijlstra said:

The fact that may can’t get Brexit through parliament demonstrates how bad an idea it is. The fact that Corbyn is still watching on from the sidelines shows how stunted politics in this country have become,  two years of no meaningful progress, still facing an abyss of epic proportions. The only reason the economy isn’t crashing like a house of cards is because traders and business leaders simply don’t believe even an incompetent government can let a no deal Brexit happen.

Labour has to get off the fence. Most people haven’t got a clue what Labour stands for. It’s so poor

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10 hours ago, woodview said:

It's nothing at all about being modern or outward looking. I am both. I simply don't want us being governed by an external body. There's nothing modern about slowly ceding control.

How can you lack understanding of the EU so thoroughly on page 592 of a debate about the topic?

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The frustration is building in the House of Commons even the Mace is feeling the strain the Labour MP Russell Lloyd for Brighton and Hove took it for a walk before the Speaker told him to put it back.  Perhaps MP's might start ripping up the seating in frustration with May's yes we're voting today now we're not game. 

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11 hours ago, Longcol said:

A body that didn't make us adopt the euro, the Schengen agreement, allows us to have a referendum on membership of the EU, allows us to make our own laws.............................


Sure doesn't govern us.

That was nice of them. We implement laws passed by them. That is governance.

The European Council proposes legislation and the EU parliament agree it or not. Can you explain to me how I get my MEP to propose legislation in the EU Parliament, that we as his electorate would like to see?

2 hours ago, Cyclone said:

How can you lack understanding of the EU so thoroughly on page 592 of a debate about the topic?

Could you explain to a dim leaver such as myself, what happens to legislation passed by the European Parliament. Does it not apply to the UK? Thanks.

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1 hour ago, woodview said:

We implement laws passed by them. That is governance.


Laws like forcing us not to pollute the air and water. Or laws preventing employers from making me do a 74 hour week like I used to have to.


Sounds pretty sensible to me.


Or are you thinking of laws preventing us from selling bunches of bananas or bent cucumbers?

Edited by alchresearch
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More Brexit Good News


British workers secured their biggest pay rise in a decade in the three months to October. Average weekly earnings, including bonuses, rose by 3.3% on the year, the biggest rise since July 2008 and comfortably beating a median forecast of 3% in a Reuters poll of economists.




Stuff the EU four freedoms for big business cockroach club. The Vote to Leave the EU is delivering a pay rise for the poorest workers NOW.



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