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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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5 hours ago, apelike said:

That's probably because the economics of it was not the main reasons why most people voted leave, it certainly didn't factor in why I voted leave.

Not considering the huge economic implications of voting leave would have been foolish though.  And most people didn't.  Or they somehow still don't believe the predictions of just how harmful it will be.


But no, protest vote and/or mild xenophobia, those were the most common reasons for voting leave.

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5 hours ago, apelike said:

That's probably because the economics of it was not the main reasons why most people voted leave, it certainly didn't factor in why I voted leave.

That’s all fine and fair and dandy to dismiss the economical dimension of the venture, but...


...how did these people propose to continue to earn and eat, then?


Or was earning to live, not (no longer?) a life necessity for those ‘most of leave-voting’ people?

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7 hours ago, apelike said:

That's probably because the economics of it was not the main reasons why most people voted leave, it certainly didn't factor in why I voted leave.

Well I always have said it was idiocy, having a decent lifestyle, money in your pocket, food in your belly, roof over your head should come first in your mind surely? If what your about to vote for could destroy all that then surely voting for it is idiotic?

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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

While May was getting a pasting, the EU was just getting on with it.


EU parliament approves Japan trade deal in what is being called the world’s biggest:




Easiest job in the world agreeing trade deals. I expect Liam Fox could knock one up in an hour or so. 😉

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7 hours ago, apelike said:

That's probably because the economics of it was not the main reasons why most people voted leave, it certainly didn't factor in why I voted leave.

You will factor it in if the economy tanks. You’ll have no choice.


Or maybe Brexiters will just find something or somebody else to irrationally blame for all their problems. 

21 minutes ago, taxman said:

Easiest job in the world agreeing trade deals. I expect Liam Fox could knock one up in an hour or so. 😉

Well it could have been with a Norway-style deal. We could have made a medium term commitment to that and negotiated it over the last two years, with a view to maybe moving away from it completely over a decade or so. We’d be done and dusted now and looking forward to March 2019 with minimal trepidation.


It took decades to reach our level of integration with the EU. Leaving will take decades too, if people are honest about it. And with those sort of timescales you can’t predict what the world will be like in 10 years let alone 20.


A cautious, softer, more gradual approach was always best but Brexiters are too blinkered and short sighted to understand that.

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17 minutes ago, geared said:


It'll all be very amusing if/when freedom of movement is bundled into the inevitable trade deal we have to cut with the EU.

Without freedom of movement for goods, the new trade deal above most likely means that it'd be cheaper to make cars for the EU in Japan than the UK.


If you factor in "country of origin" rules which, as I understand it even under Mays deal we're subject to, definately so.


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9 hours ago, apelike said:

That's probably because the economics of it was not the main reasons why most people voted leave, it certainly didn't factor in why I voted leave.

Just shows how short sighted "Leave " is then...how can you do anything without a reasonably healthy economy..?

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