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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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10 hours ago, apelike said:

That's probably because the economics of it was not the main reasons why most people voted leave, it certainly didn't factor in why I voted leave.

Begs the question what reasons do you think prompted most people to vote leave,and in particular what motivated you.


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23 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Begs the question what reasons do you think prompted most people to vote leave,and in particular what motivated you.


At a guess a  bus with "£350 million a week" daubed on it, and something about immigrants.


I'm really interested to see how their precious Brexit will stop them:

Fourteen migrants rescued from Dover shipping lane


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3 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

At a guess a  bus with "£350 million a week" daubed on it, and something about immigrants.

Quite, the leave campaigns own data shows they wouldn't have stood a chance without that, it was the decisive promise.


Irony being it was the first to fall :?

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11 hours ago, apelike said:

That's probably because the economics of it was not the main reasons why most people voted leave, it certainly didn't factor in why I voted leave.

We were given the full supposed economic consequences of voting to Leave in the government booklet sent to every household in the UK.


Remainer politicians, celebrities and rich businessmen told us all about the supposed consequences of a Leave vote.


We were under no illusion about the supposed economic consequences of Leaving the EU. We still voted to Leave, in huge numbers.


I didn't vote for any deal on Leaving. I voted to Leave, and gave the poor a pay rise in doing so.




Blame the government, the Bankers and the EU!

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6 hours ago, Cyclone said:

Not considering the huge economic implications of voting leave would have been foolish though.  And most people didn't.  Or they somehow still don't believe the predictions of just how harmful it will be.

Nothing about the economics of it was ever mentioned on the ballot paper, nor was the implication of Norther Ireland just a remain or leave choice. Cameron however did spend £9 billion on a pro EU leaflet that set out the economic details though and I think that as it was from him people read it and just ignored it. Although it was not a factor I did actually consider it. 

5 hours ago, L00b said:

That’s all fine and fair and dandy to dismiss the economical dimension of the venture, but...


...how did these people propose to continue to earn and eat, then?

I dont know, they had a choice like I did and made that choice.

4 hours ago, melthebell said:

Well I always have said it was idiocy, having a decent lifestyle, money in your pocket, food in your belly, roof over your head should come first in your mind surely? 

Maybe, but that certainly has not helped the less well off, the poor or in fact the young who are struggling.

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2 minutes ago, apelike said:

Nothing about the economics of it was ever mentioned on the ballot paper,

Our membership of the EU is fundamentally for economic reasons. The biggest effect of leaving the EU will be an economic one.


The fact that anyone voted for reasons which weren't primarily economic is concerning.

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6 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Our membership of the EU is fundamentally for economic reasons. The biggest effect of leaving the EU will be an economic one.


The fact that anyone voted for reasons which weren't primarily economic is concerning.

People vote for all kind of reasons. It doesn't make their vote any less legitimate than somebody who votes on just economic issues.


Are you new to all this? Or just very young (and naive)?

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5 hours ago, melthebell said:

If what your about to vote for could destroy all that then surely voting for it is idiotic?

No, the idiotic thing was Cameron trying to boost his reputation by promising and holding a referendum in the first place and then parliament approving the result. As said many times before it is the politicians that are culpable for not fully understanding the consequences of a leave vote and they are the ones to blame for the mess caused. They knew it was advisory, could have just ignored it and yet it was sanctioned. The voters were only given a choice to either Remain or Leave and after that it is up to the government and the politicians to sort out but they failed in their common sense and should have been sensible and prepared. The mess we are now in is directly because of them and not the people.

26 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The fact that anyone voted for reasons which weren't primarily economic is concerning.

The only time I read anything about economic reasons was when that government sponsored the pro-EU leaflet that was posted to all households, and as it was from Cameron and the Conservatives I think many were spurred on to vote leave because of it!


Do you think many of these people voted to remain:



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