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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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1 minute ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Eminently so, Germany is the driving force behind the EU, surely that's a given. It is the largest contributor to the corrupt EU and is not doing so just to be kind to the almost bankrupt bottom 5 countries. Who when we leave a couple of them will most certainly look towards leaving also.



Germany is a key player yes but the EU does not centre around the German government the EU is run by the European Parliament each member has a seat strangley the UK had quite a few seats so we have plenty of say and the power to veto. What I would like hear from hardline Brexiteers like you how are we going to trade after we leave how are going to get these great deals that the EU can get just like the Japan deal recently signed ? 

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11 minutes ago, apelike said:

Two problems with that. She alone cannot withdraw A50 as doing that would have to be approved by parliament first. She can resign but she cant have or hold another GE now until the fixed term is up in 2022.

She found a way a couple of years ago if memory serves!

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6 minutes ago, apelike said:

Two problems with that. She alone cannot withdraw A50 as doing that would have to be approved by parliament first. She can resign but she cant have or hold another GE now until the fixed term is up in 2022.

May might not be able to call a GE, but after her (remain brexit) gets voted down (when she brings it to Parliament for the vote) Comrade Corbyn can bring a vote of no confidence in her Government which if he wins will automatically trigger a GE I believe?.



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5 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

 Comrade Corbyn can bring a vote of no confidence in her Government which if he wins will automatically trigger a GE I believe?.


Correct, as long as the vote  of no confidence is successfull.


The maths will be very tight on this and will turn on which way the DUP and 'Tory' Labour MPs like Kate Hoey vote.

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3 minutes ago, AntiBrexit said:

Germany is a key player yes but the EU does not centre around the German government the EU is run by the European Parliament each member has a seat strangley the UK had quite a few seats so we have plenty of say and the power to veto. What I would like hear from hardline Brexiteers like you how are we going to trade after we leave how are going to get these great deals that the EU can get just like the Japan deal recently signed ? 

I would up sticks and leave looking to go on WTO rules. That alone would save us £39 billion in blackmail payments to the corrupt EU.



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4 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Correct, as long as the vote  of no confidence is successfull.


The maths will be very tight on this and will turn on which way the DUP and 'Tory' Labour MPs like Kate Hoey vote.

Hence the reason Corbyn has kept his powder dry, he will only pounce on the Maybot when he is quite sure he has the numbers.  I foresee a GE early in the new year.


If  folk think the Tory's are crap, wait while Corbyn and his acolytes scrape into power. 












They don't inspire confidence do they. What makes it bad is that the Tory's are only a razor blade thickness better. 


Pity we can't sack the lot of them and start afresh.



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13 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Why is it corrupt? Not just cos the daily express says so, what specific examples can you give?

Funnily enough, the only corruption I've heard of to do with the EU, is expenses fiddles by BNP and UKIP MEPs and regional politicians in Italy in connection with EU funding  for that bridge that fell down in Genoa  last August.


All perpertrated by right or far right  populist €urosceptic parties who are always banging on about the corrupt EU!


Alanis Morissette would be very pleased. 

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1 minute ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Funnily enough, the only corruption I've heard of to do with the EU, is expenses fiddles by BNP and UKIP MEPs and regional politicians in Italy in connection with EU funding  for that bridge that fell down in Genoa  last August.


All perpertrated by right or far right  populist €urosceptic parties who are always banging on about the corrupt EU!


Alanis Morissette would be very pleased. 

Have a gander at their accounts, fairy stories I believe.



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1 hour ago, apelike said:

No we take the option that people voted for despite what remainers want, and that is to leave.

When you and your fellow Brexiteers reach some consensus as to what exit deal is acceptable we might make some sort of progress.

So I propose that we have two referenda.

The first can detail the possible options which represent the possible options in the knowledge of what could be agreed with the EU negotiators.In addition there would be the option to vote for a no deal Brexit which seems to have some support from the wackos.

Can’t you get it into your heads that it’s the Brexit camp that is blocking the prospect of any withdrawal agreement and no wonder that JC Juncker is getting increasingly perplexed by our Parliamentary games.


The second part of a straight choice between your agreed Brexit strategy and Remain is the easy bit.


Of course it won’t happen because the far right ,hard line Brexit voters know that they scraped home on the back of an uninformed electorate who were seduced by the arguments of border controls which would supposedly magically control illegal immigration.

Brexit means Brexit means leave and to hell with the consequences


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