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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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12 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Brexit means Brexit means leave and to hell with the consequences

That is the most worrying thing about this whole mess.


There seems to be no discourse or analysis about the pros and cons of leaving the EU by Brexiteers. All we ever seem to get is that it is irrelevant what the outcome may be, it's what the people voted for.


I know that we are not supposed to say that leave voters are a bunch of reactionary, right wing, crank, racist xenophobes but sadly, many of them are! :suspect:

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43 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Brexit means Brexit means leave and to hell with the consequences

I cant seem to recall any other option being put on the ballot paper!


"The truth is" (a favourite Blair quote) the politicians did not plan for a Leave vote despite it being the other choice on the ballot paper.

14 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I know that we are not supposed to say that leave voters are a bunch of reactionary, right wing, crank, racist xenophobes but sadly, many of them are! :suspect:

And as a remainer you know many leave voter then? :suspect: Or is that from yet another poll that you always believe in?

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28 minutes ago, apelike said:

I cant seem to recall any other option being put on the ballot paper!


"The truth is" (a favourite Blair quote) the politicians did not plan for a Leave vote despite it being the other choice on the ballot paper.

And as a remainer you know many leave voter then? :suspect: Or is that from yet another poll that you always believe in?

Yep they badly underestimated the sheep that were gullible enough to follow the Judas goat called Farage.

Anyway we still have to get that consensus between the Brexiteers which is blocking our departure from the EU.

What do you propose?

Have a chat with Carboot,Angel ,Lockdoctor,Anna,Penistone and se if you can arrive at less than 4 versions.

Meanwhile us Remainers are united and steadfast in our belief that any option other than Remain is second best


Edited by RJRB
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2 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

I would up sticks and leave looking to go on WTO rules. That alone would save us £39 billion in blackmail payments to the corrupt EU.



The WTO is not has straight forward has it seems. It involves years of negotiations the other members who for what ever reason dislike the UK could be very arkward on traiffs. Holding back the ' blackmail' money would come back to haunt you when negotiating trade deals with other countries they could think will they pay the agreeded price or are they poor payers? You say the EU is corrupt would you deal with countries with corrupt governments or would you turn an blind eye to get that deal ?  

Edited by AntiBrexit
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37 minutes ago, apelike said:

And as a remainer you know many leave voter then? :suspect: Or is that from yet another poll that you always believe in?

Unlike most people I don't live in a bubble.


I probably know as many leave voters as remainers and yes some of them are cranks and racists but most of them are just politically apathetic, don't usually vote, don't join a union and couldn't name one cabinet or shadow cabinet minister but could tell you the three finalists in Love Island  or Big Brother.


Most of them read the Sun or the Mail and base their political opinions on headlines or editorials in those rags or links to fake news stories on facebook. They don't shout at people in the street and they don't go on political marches shouting 'Leave means Leave!'.

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10 hours ago, Anna B said:

Tony Blair sticking his oar in again.  What's it got to do with him?  Complete Tosser.




10 hours ago, Magilla said:



About as much as it has to do with you, he is a UK citizen.





9 hours ago, RJRB said:

I would argue all day long against some of Blairs decisions and action whilst PM,but agree with him whole heartedly on this subject,so perhaps only a half tosser in my view.

Listen to what is said rather than who is saying .

*eugh* can't sort quotes out easily, sorry to all 3 quoted members... I'll have to type out instead...


I think Anna makes a valid point.


Magilla: yes he is UK citizen, but still has huge influence (goodness knows why though) - so I think we should openly criticise people if want


RJBJ: I would argue (and always have) that its HIS policies when in government that ultimately brought us to this position.

This springs to minds: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/mar/24/how-immigration-came-to-haunt-labour-inside-story


I also blame his government for his dereg of gambling, which has brought our cities to just charity shops and betting shops next door.



@Anna B



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17 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Unlike most people I don't live in a bubble.


I probably know as many leave voters as remainers and yes some of them are cranks and racists but most of them are just politically apathetic, don't usually vote, don't join a union and couldn't name one cabinet or shadow cabinet minister but could tell you the three finalists in Love Island  or Big Brother.


Most of them read the Sun or the Mail and base their political opinions on headlines or editorials in those rags or links to fake news stories on facebook. They don't shout at people in the street and they don't go on political marches shouting 'Leave means Leave!'.

I think the media especially the right wing ones have played a big part in mis -information and have stroked the fires of hate people read them and because it's in the Sun or the Mail so it's got to be right? 


They fail to understand that all papers are businesses they need to make an profit so the way to do it is make up headlines the more shocking the better. The worst are the ' Express' , ' Daily Mail' , ' Sun' , Telegraph' Brexit is media gold no head scratching required on what to put in tommorow's paper. So much drama to hype up they never had so good.



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29 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Unlike most people I don't live in a bubble.


I probably know as many leave voters as remainers and yes some of them are cranks and racists but most of them are just politically apathetic, don't usually vote, don't join a union and couldn't name one cabinet or shadow cabinet minister but could tell you the three finalists in Love Island  or Big Brother.


Most of them read the Sun or the Mail and base their political opinions on headlines or editorials in those rags or links to fake news stories on facebook. They don't shout at people in the street and they don't go on political marches shouting 'Leave means Leave!'.


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