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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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10 hours ago, Phanerothyme said:

Hilary Benn's amendment may or may not make it onto the bill. There's a queue of them (which should speed up the process nicely, to the tune of Countdown...)

If it doesn't, it's hard to see how it's going to prevent a no-deal brexit by default with the certainty you express.

A50 can't be legally rescinded without a specific act of parliament doing so, as I understand it. If it's not rescinded then  it stands.

Anyone who thought that this can't happen because rational, intelligent people are on top of the detail and the timing, must surely have had every last illusion shattered by now.

May will go back to the EU and ask for a 12 month extension on A50. Betcha.

She’ll not get a 12 months extension. Not in a month of Sundays.


She might get 2, 3 months at a push: only long enough, and tied to a certain-enough outcome (remain decided or WA signed) over a certain-enough timescale (vote/signature pre-23 May 2019), to avoid having to disrupt the EU elections (with U.K. MEP candidates, or with delaying the election).


If she asks for one, that is...and I have serious doubts that she would.


My prediction is still no deal Brexit by omission (‘art.50 clock runs out before anything gets decided according to due process’). Unchanged since mid-2017 (or earlier...can’t search my old posts easily atm).

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7 hours ago, apelike said:

But they wouldn't. If they sit through the night of the 28th in an emergency session to try and sort it out it will be already too late so there would be no point. Any decision will need to be approved by both houses first for it to be valid which would take time and by then we will have left.



Entirely correct.


This isn’t an EU ‘get the deal done at 23:59’ thing like Greece was, because those sorts of situations and deals are between, and concern, EU members only.


This is a ‘third country vs EU27’ thing, in which the U.K. is the future competitor (and a hostile one at that, according to its government and political class) since it won’t remain.


Decide to remain (acc. to constitutional requirements) in good time (pre-end March 2019) and it can all be sorted, bc you’re still an EU member.


Don’t decide before end March 2019 and then you’re a third party country looking for an FTA, like Canada, Korea, Japan etc. were. That simple.


It’s an overused cliché, but it’s really a case of “it’s business, not personal” here. 

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4 minutes ago, lottiecass said:

No second vote coming, no deal looking more likely.


Good . I see the Government are stepping up preparations for a No Deal Brexit . They should have been doing this two years instead of wasting time trying to get a deal that keeps us tied to Europe. 


No deal is the ONLY outcome that delivers the result of the referendum.  

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11 minutes ago, Penistone999 said:


Good . I see the Government are stepping up preparations for a No Deal Brexit . They should have been doing this two years instead of wasting time trying to get a deal that keeps us tied to Europe. 


No deal is the ONLY outcome that delivers the result of the referendum.  

So Brexit at any price to hell with the consequences? 



What about jobs ?


Inport and exports business?


What about ferries and airplane companies going bust?


HGV drivers no longer able to deliver or drive around Europe?


Food arriving in ports going rotten due to custom checks?


Empty supermarket shelfs ?


Possible shortages on medical supplies?


Dover grinlocked and ending up an gaint lorry park?


Hoilday makers stranded overseas?


Law and order could possibly break down?


The government itself becomes unstable?


The union that forms the United Kingdom breaks apart?


Plus many other situations but who cares anything to get away from the the evil EU.


Hard border in Northern Ireland ?


Now what for it 1,2,3 ' Project Fear' more like ' Project Reality' 

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