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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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2 hours ago, andyofborg said:

i'm not sure you could put those sorts of obligations on the executive and legislature without undermining their ability to govern effectively. 



The reason that Parliamentary privilege exists is to allow that freedom. The evidential thresholds would have to be set incredibly high otherwise you would have malicious attempts to move against things such as Corbyn's nationalisation programme. It would also have to be administered by a non political body such as the Supreme Court. There would have to be some kind of warning system where the Supreme Court or other body would officially give notice to a sitting government that 99.9% of all economic institutions worldwide have said that the proposed action would lead to x,y and z if you contine on this path you open yourselves up to legal action under the constitution.


It would be even better if it was part of an international agreement with all other civilised countries because nothing happens in isolation. Yes, a no deal Brexit would tank the UK economy but it is also going to seriously harm the Irish economy. I know that the UK government is sovereign but I would have no problem with a mechanism under which the Dail would be allowed under international law, to sue the UK government for damages as a result of a no deal Brexit.


It would take greater legal brains than mine to draw up, but it is not unachievable.

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Polls indicate support for remain increases to grow.


If the main parties are not listening to that then they are in serious trouble.


I hope both parties implode over this, and we end up remaining. The two party system is utterly toxic and needs to fail.

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Nation states are in effect in competition though, so they routinely and deliberately harm each others economies (hence why being in the EU is a good thing).  I can't see how a legal framework to stop that competition could exist.  Clearly Trump and China are doing harm to each other right now with a trade war...

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29 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

Nation states are in effect in competition though, so they routinely and deliberately harm each others economies (hence why being in the EU is a good thing).  I can't see how a legal framework to stop that competition could exist.  Clearly Trump and China are doing harm to each other right now with a trade war...

China has been conducting a unilateral trade war with the USA for 20 years.


The USA has been seen its industry stripped away year on year, with imports increasing and in return the USA has been able to export debt (the debt the USA needs to keep its broken economy afloat) to China.


It is the one major thing Trump has recognised and called completely correctly.

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5 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

China might argue that it has a lower cost base and that what you are describing is simply competition and capitalism in action.

Tariffs on the other hand are very much an act of economic aggression.

It might argue that but it would be wrong. Tariffs are not the only form of economic aggression. A country can construct barriers to entry to its internal markets. Few companies from outside China would be able to break into Chinese markets for anything other than respected high mid-range brands to luxury goods. The infiltration of any other brands is effectively prevented. China is very good at that.

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10 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

But will be voted in regardless.


Our country doesn't like change on the whole - which is why brexit was such a shock - but its also why, with the aid of the press, nothing will change on our political landscape whether we get a hard, soft or no brexit. It will somebody else's fault.

Do many young people even get news from the press nowadays? It's them who will be choosing who governs us in ten years time once many of the brexiteers are gone.

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Has anyone seen this?




There appears to be some kind of scare tactics goping on with Government Minister saying they're preparing for economic armageddon. I wondered if the risk of suicide warning was part of that? 

Very scary thought :(

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The myth persists that anything that promotes free trade promotes British interests. Brexiteers promote a fantasy ideal of the WTO being the answer to all Britain’s problems despite the libraries of research that argue that its rules lead to the impoverishment of countries that have to rely on them. Because Brexiteers misunderstand Britain’s past, they believe that Britain has a “special relationship” to world trade. They cannot fathom the damage that relying on WTO terms to govern trade with our largest trading partner will do to the economy, even if it is obvious to rest of the world.


Edited by Magilla
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