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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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2 hours ago, nightrider said:

Do many young people even get news from the press nowadays? It's them who will be choosing who governs us in ten years time once many of the brexiteers are gone.

I'm not a young person so I don't know where they get their news from but its a fair point. One hopes it's not from social media or they will believe any old rubbish in the same way their grand parents believe half the filth the express churns out.


But, like all of us, their views will change as they get older and some will end up looking at their past in far more favourable way than it actually was.

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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Funnily enough ive been thinking the same all long while this charade had been going on. Theres even a band called The NoWTO combo, im not entirely sure what the politics of it is but theres obviously enough bad stuff about the WTO to have an opposition to it. Funny thing is, "most" of the negative aspects of the EU are made up and used for propaganda purposes but then they want to jump straight into bed with an organisation thats built in a similar mould.

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32 minutes ago, AntiBrexit said:

Yeah we're all doomed the UK is set to fall apart on the 29th March at 11am. 

It’s been falling apart since end June 2016 (and arguably, ina social sense, since much earlier); but May’s bit of PR about no deal preparations yesterday, and the EU Commission’s contingency action plan  announcement today, are pretty much precipitating things now.


It’s fascinating, in a voyeuristic, “witnessing-the-worst-ever-pile-up-in-slow-motion” sense.


Really finding it hard to believe that you are doing this to yourselves. So publicly, as well. Your political reputation and soft power is truly shot.

Edited by L00b
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Any Brextremists getting giddy yesterday about a no deal exit should take a look at this morning's Prime Minister's questions. 


MP after MP of all parties, but significant numbers of Tories, getting on their feet raising question after question about the impact of no deal on their individual contituencies.


Opposition to any no deal is just about the only thing uniting the Commons at the moment.

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

Funny thing is, "most" of the negative aspects of the EU are made up and used for propaganda purposes but then they want to jump straight into bed with an organisation thats built in a similar mould.

It's basically willful or genuine ignorance, There's really no other excuse.


Lockdoctors' Article 24 interpretation being a prime example. Totally detached from reality, or even basic common sense!


Anyway, time to get the popcorn out, juding by Ch4 news and Newsnight last night, the governments "no-deal" planning is essentially a non-starter.


Major suppliers to the NHS have no idea what's going on. All they've been told is to stockpile stuff but, as the guy from one of the suppliers stated last night, that would equate to football pitch sized storage areas and over half their anual turnover for components alone! Their entire business runs on JIT.


Then the guy from the largest customs clearing company in the UK, basically one word "armageddon"..  the only choice would be to ignore all borders completely and let everything in, then handle the fines and fallout later. Both a complete disaster for the UK.


If even a fraction of the so called "Project Fear" happens, civil unrest will be the least of our worries (IMHO).


Watching in Horror:



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3 minutes ago, Car Boot said:


The Tory government strongly advised you to vote to stay in the EU.

Which you did.

A right wing leave campaign full of cranks, racists and xenophobes led and funded by millionaire businessmen and other anti working class elements advised you to vote to leave the EU.


Which you did.

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So, "3,500 service personnel held at readiness, including regulars and reserves, in order to support any government department on any contingencies they may need."


Of course, moving emergency supplies is exactly the job well covered by logistics companies, that have far more manpower and kit available to do it.


Doesn't sound like the no-deal planning is going well..... :suspect:



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