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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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11 minutes ago, ricgem2002 said:

tony abbot the former prime minister of australia see things different for us https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/10/tony-abbott-how-to-save-brexit/     makes you wonder whos trying to bully who 

I don't have to even to read that to know what a right-wing, xenophobic anti-immigrant. Australian politician is saying about the EU in a right wing pro-Brexit magazine lol.

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23 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Since when was that a revelation? 


The whole point of EU economic strategy is to reduce the differences between all EU states and make us all richer. That means the strongest economies pay more, the weaker ones receive more. Redistribution of wealth on an international level. That's why Trump, Putin, the far right and the €urosceptic wing of the Tory party hate it.

Our contribution is a fraction of 1% of our GDP.


The contribution is a non-issue.


It’s only useful as a political theme, and only then to certain parties

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11 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I don't have to even to read that to know what a right-wing, xenophobic anti-immigrant. Australian politician is saying about the EU in a right wing pro-Brexit magazine lol.

i wonder why you dont like reading some truth in what he says (or even explain why it wont work ) over to you :thumbsup:

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24 minutes ago, ricgem2002 said:

i wonder why you dont like reading some truth in what he says (or even explain why it wont work ) over to you :thumbsup:

The thing is that the people of Britain don't want Brexit any more. Despite what the Leave campaign and St Theresa may say, it isn't wanted except by a minority.

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1 hour ago, hobinfoot said:

Leaving the club is one thing. But that club being so petty is another. I wouldn't expect to have all the benefits after leaving. But a mutually beneficial relationship would suit both sides is.

a mutually beneficial transition deal to provide time to negotiate a permanent mutually beneficial relationship is available, sadly parliament doesn't seem to want to accept the transition deal which means no deal  and all that entails. No one is being petty, if anything the eu has been generous as they have softened some of the harder edges to there being no deal. 



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1 hour ago, ads36 said:



Since day 1 all they've done is play it by the rule book, that we helped write.


It's been over 2 years, and we haven't even told them what kind of deal we want yet.


They've been unbelievably patient.

Bully for the EU I hadn't realised that every thing they have done during these negotiations was so perfect by giving everything and getting nothing in return. 

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3 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

If this what the EU wants then it shows is that they never had anything but punishment in mind nothing more nothing less.

Another one who doesn't understand the economic realities of the situation.


If you crash your car into a brick wall, then go to hospital and the doctor tells you that they will have to amputate your legs, the doctor isn't punishing you, they are simply telling you that there is very little that can be done to save them.


The whole mess is completely self inflicted. The EU bears no responsibility for this at all.

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7 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Another one who doesn't understand the economic realities of the situation.


If you crash your car into a brick wall, then go to hospital and the doctor tells you that they will have to amputate your legs, the doctor isn't punishing you, they are simply telling you that there is very little that can be done to save them.


The whole mess is completely self inflicted. The EU bears no responsibility for this at all.

I know the EU bears no responsibility for us leaving we chose this path. But they have said time and time again that they want a trade deal that is mutually beneficial.

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13 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

Bully for the EU I hadn't realised that every thing they have done during these negotiations was so perfect by giving everything and getting nothing in return. 

If you think that we have been short changed by the EU,then consider what this May led government is prepared to subject us to in the name of democracy.

Ninety percent of our politicians are treating us as pawns,when they should be looking after our interests.

There are three options out there:

Negotiated Brexit

No Deal Brexit


Of these the middle one is plainly the worst possible option and only supported by a radical few.Consign it to Room 101.together with anyone who advocates it.

The other two are down to personal preference and should be presented for a final People’s vote.

BTW,why has the second referendum thread been closed when it is still very much a live issue.


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