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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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If you were a complete outsider reading these posts, lets say someone who had never heard of Brexit, you would be convinced that half the posters weren't even English men or women. 

There is no pride at all, just lots of snowflakes feeling sorry for the EU. 

There wouldn't have been an EU if the strong men and women of this country hadnt stood up to protect themselves and our neighbours from a maniac who wanted to turn Europe into one state, which isnt dissimilar to Juncker and his cronies who use fountain pens instead of ammo. 

And to think the UK had only just paid off the debt to the US and Canada in 2006!!!!

And do I hear the snowflakes saying thats all in the past?? 

Tell that to Germany who this week paid out £2500 to each of the Kindertransport children.

Surprisingly interesting timing Frau Merkel. 

Being a Brexiteer is not about being right wing. Its about what is right. 

How easily todays spineless snowflakes forget...... 

Edited by BrexitGuy
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9 minutes ago, RJRB said:

If you think that we have been short changed by the EU,then consider what this May led government is prepared to subject us to in the name of democracy.

Ninety percent of our politicians are treating us as pawns,when they should be looking after our interests.

There are three options out there:

Negotiated Brexit

No Deal Brexit


Of these the middle one is plainly the worst possible option and only supported by a radical few.Consign it to Room 101.together with anyone who advocates it.

The other two are down to personal preference and should be presented for a final People’s vote.

BTW,why has the second referendum thread been closed when it is still very much a live issue.


A  moderator has explained why the second referendum thread has been closed.  To be fair to the moderators they were generous in allowing the second referendum thread to run for as long as it did because there already is a Brexit thread, which is this thread.

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4 minutes ago, davyboy said:

And you know this as a fact, how?

Im a people, I live in Britain and I still want Brexit. Everyone I speak to still wants Brexit. Theres no turning back. Its going to happen. It was the democratic will of the people and its not the leave voters who are stirring the pot, its the remoaners banging on that everything is so unfair. Bit like Kevin and Perry really. 

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15 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

A  moderator has explained why the second referendum thread has been closed.  To be fair to the moderators they were generous in allowing the second referendum thread to run for as long as it did because there already is a Brexit thread, which is this thread.

I’m in the right place then.

We need a second referendum 

2 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

Im a people, I live in Britain and I still want Brexit. Everyone I speak to still wants Brexit. Theres no turning back. Its going to happen. It was the democratic will of the people and its not the leave voters who are stirring the pot, its the remoaners banging on that everything is so unfair. Bit like Kevin and Perry really. 

You speak to a very restricted circle and it’s not remainers blocking progress.Its the failure of the Brexit camp to agree on what form Brexit should take.

Edited by RJRB
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4 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I’m in the right place then.

We need a second referendum 

You speak to a very restricted circle

Only a remoaner could utter such dribble. Totally convinced that leave voters have no friends or colleagues.  Maybe if the remoaners had as many huge circles as you think they have, they would have turned out two years ago. 

Or were they too busy with their turncoat plastic friends on social media? 

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5 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I’m in the right place then.

We need a second referendum 


No, we don't need a second referendum.   You only  want a second referendum because you don't accept the result of the 2016 EU referendum.  What we need is everyone to  honour the result of the 2016 EU referendum and accept the choice the UK democratic people made which is to leave the EU.

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2 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

No, we don't need a second referendum.   You only  want a second referendum because you don't accept the result of the 2016 EU referendum.  What we need is everyone to  honour the result of the 2016 EU referendum and accept the choice the UK democratic people made which is to leave the EU.

You cant honestly believe that remoaners give a hoot about democracy? 


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4 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

If this what the EU wants then it shows is that they never had anything but punishment in mind nothing more nothing less.

You’re getting exactly what Mrs May wanted. Out of the EU, no freedom of movement. PLUS an extendable transition period to get your house in order if you sign up to the withdrawal agreement, or sweet FA if you don’t. EU is past caring which at this stage.


What makes you think you’re entitled to anything more or better? Well ain’t you just so f*****  special? 😂


What the EU wants, is for your farce of a government to govern instead of eating its own face.


Failing that, since the British people are manifestly happy enough with the job their government is doing, that this government is still in power, then what the EU wants, is to see the back of you and move on.


Whether you move on or not yourselves, stops being (one of) the EU’s problems in 100 days.


And what you and your lot take for ‘punishment’, is your delusions hitting the brick wall of cold hard reality in the 21st century, usefully doubling as the long overdue adjustment to your sense of entitlement.


Welcome to the world, get with the program already.

Edited by L00b
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We need a second referendum because your camp represents 50 shades of Brexit,and you cannot even agree with each other.

At least we Remainers are united.

As for the reference to snowflakes,just have a think why Europe erupted in 1939.

Rampant Nationalism and false patriotism which is what many of you are keen to whip up again.

We care about our country and its relationship with others in a more constructive way than many.


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