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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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4 minutes ago, RJRB said:

We need a second referendum because your camp represents 50 shades of Brexit,and you cannot even agree with each other.

At least we Remainers are united.

As for the reference to snowflakes,just have a think why Europe erupted in 1939.

Rampant Nationalism and false patriotism which is what many of you are keen to whip up again.

We care about our country and its relationship with others in a more constructive way than many.


If that is what you believe the war in Europe was about, you are deeply deluded. Only one state wanted Rampant nationalism, and that was Germany. And due to a politician called Hitler, he wrongly convinced his people to overthrow all that wasnt pure, in his eyes of course. 

He was a politician.  Nothing more, but sheeple followed him and his Nazi party. 

Every country around him crumbled, except one. 

So no false patriotism from this country pal. Just knowing the difference between right and wrong and caring for our neighbours in their hour of need. 

And where are those countries now eh? They've slammed the door on the British people, thats where they are bud, just because the majority who voted leave won, wanting control over immigration and the UK getting their parliamentary rights back. Thats why the leave vote went through. 

Having a sense of duty to the EU is more anti British than whatever you  may think of supporters of Brexit. 

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1 hour ago, BrexitGuy said:

There is no pride at all, just lots of snowflakes feeling sorry for the EU. 

Let's get this right.


Most remainers on here are showing great concern for the people of this country and what is likely to befall us if we leave the EU.


Most Brexiteers on here are first of all denying that anything bad will happen and then when forced to accept that it will in the face of overwhelming evidence, just shrug their shoulders and say "Tough! It's what people voted for."


Remind me again who cares more about the people of this country?

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2 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Let's get this right.


Most remainers on here are showing great concern for the people of this country and what is likely to befall us if we leave the EU.


Most Brexiteers on here are first of all denying that anything bad will happen and then when forced to accept that it will in the face of overwhelming evidence, just shrug their shoulders and say "Tough! It's what people voted for."


Remind me again who cares more about the people of this country?

Ok, its the leave camp. The remoaners will be happy to carry on allowing a third party to handle their countries affairs. 

We owe the EU absolutely nothing.  

You lost the referendum. And thank god you did. 

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41 minutes ago, L00b said:

You’re getting exactly what Mrs May wanted. Out of the EU, no freedom of movement. PLUS an extendable transition period to get your house in order if you sign up to the withdrawal agreement, or sweet FA if you don’t. EU is past caring which at this stage.


What makes you think you’re entitled to anything more or better? Well ain’t you just so f*****  special? 😂


What the EU wants, is for your farce of a government to govern instead of eating its own face.


Failing that, since the British people are manifestly happy enough with the job their government is doing, that this government is still in power, then what the EU wants, is to see the back of you and move on.


Whether you move on or not yourselves, stops being (one of) the EU’s problems in 100 days.


And what you and your lot take for ‘punishment’, is your delusions hitting the brick wall of cold hard reality in the 21st century, usefully doubling as the long overdue adjustment to your sense of entitlement.


Welcome to the world, get with the program already.

I always thought you had anti British feelings  and with this rant you've proved it.

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27 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

I always thought you had anti British feelings  and with this rant you've proved it.

Not so, and 20 years living in the UK and "making it great again" back that up.


Just strong anti-morons feelings, reasonable anti-Brexit feelings, and some tough love to dispense by the container load, for at least some fact-based reason to get through the parochial orgy taking place over the last 2 and a bit years in the UK.


A rant? LOL, just telling it like it is.


When your best friend is acting the eejit, you don't congratulate or encourage them. You tell them they're acting the eejit, to their face. That's not having "anti best friend" feelings, that's being a friend. Whether they value your opinions, and so take your view onboard, or not, says all about them. Not you.


So you just understand what you want to understand. And I can't help it if you don't like cold hard truths spelt out loud and clear.

Edited by L00b
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32 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

And where are those countries now eh?

They're part of the second largest trading bloc on the planet, with higher living standards and (soon to be) more rights  than the citizens of the UK :?


They've slammed the door on the British people, thats where they are bud, just because the majority who voted leave won, wanting control over immigration and the UK getting their parliamentary rights back.

Immigration was always controllable, the government simply couldn't be bothered. Judging by the immigration policy announced today, there is no plan to control it other than keeping the most crappy jobs for UK born.


It was a remainer who had to go to court to re-assert the notion of parliamentry sovereignty, after it was usurped by this government during the Brexit process.



Thats why the leave vote went through. 

Well.... that and xenophobia/racist overtones, undeliverable promises and information/claims that bear no relation to reality (like your "UK citizens can't use Spanish health services for free" nonsense).


Hence most people would now rather remain :?



Having a sense of duty to the EU is more anti British than whatever you  may think of supporters of Brexit. 

Only if you lack to cognitive capacity to see the alternatives, there is no "sense of duty to the EU", merely the realisation of the advantages that it provides for UK prosperity & global influence. As always, the best Brexit has always been no Brexit at all.


Edited by Magilla
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8 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

happy to carry on allowing a third party to handle their countries affairs. 

For someone who is a committed Brextremist and even call themselves BrexitGuy, you have no real idea what the EU actually is or does, do you?


You just crank out the same old nonsense and meaningless nationalist slogans that were being trotted out during the referendum campaign. How can you seriously claim that we don't need another referendum because people knew exactly what they were voting for, when a Brexit cheerleader like you struggles to understand any of the issues?


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35 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:


Every country around him crumbled, except one. 

I don't think you could say that Russia crumbled


35 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

And where are those countries now eh? They've slammed the door on the British people, thats where they are bud, just because the majority who voted leave won, wanting control over immigration and the UK getting their parliamentary rights back.

It's not them who have slammed the door but you lot.



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7 minutes ago, Magilla said:

They're part of the second largest trading bloc on the planet, with higher living standards and (soon to be) more rights  than the citizens of the UK :?

Immigration was always controllable, the government simply couldn't be bothered. Judging by the immigration policy announced today, there is no plan to control it other than keeping the most crappy jobs for UK born.


It was a remainer who had to go to court to re-assert the notion of parliamentry sovereignty, after it was usurped by this government during the Brexit process.


Well.... that and xenophobia/racist overtones, undeliverable promises and information/claims that bear no relation to reality (like your "UK citizens can't use Spanish health services for free" nonsense).


Hence most people would now rather remain :?


Only if you lack to cognitive capacity to see the alternatives, there is no "sense of duty to the EU", merely the realisation of the advantages that it provides for UK prosperity & global influence. As always, the best Brexit has always been no Brexit at all.


I can't even say nice try, because this usual sermon of yours would only be useful printed off in a house with no toilet paper. 

1 minute ago, andyofborg said:

I don't think you could say that Russia crumbled


It's not them who have slammed the door but you lot.



No, and they've kept that tradition. 

And its most definitely the EU who are slamming the door. 

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