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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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7 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

What are Remainers afraid of?

Losing their class-based advantage. Their privilege.

Remaining in the EU for a mainly white, liberal, intellectual, monocultural middle-class of privileged Remainer folk is all about maintaining their advantages over the working class.



"What do we want? Everything to stay as it is!"

"Keep EU advantages for educated middle class white people!"

You seem hateful car bot.


Just like Putin’s puppets who were attacking Soubry.

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15 minutes ago, Car Boot said:



17 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

What are Remainers afraid of?

Recession, falling wages, higher prices, food shortages, trade barriers - all things which will impact all of us, but the working class more than most.

You've been stitched up like a kipper and swallowed the lies of idiots like Farage who bleat about the establishment whilst being part of it.


It staggers me that you can still be so enthusiastic for something that almost every economic forecast (including the Government's) predicts will inflict serious harm on the country.


Tell me what we'll gain. 

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23 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

What are Remainers afraid of?

Losing their class-based advantage. Their privilege.

Remaining in the EU for a mainly white, liberal, intellectual, monocultural middle-class of privileged Remainer folk is all about maintaining their advantages over the working class.



"What do we want? Everything to stay as it is!"

"Keep EU advantages for educated middle class white people!"

Well, this here Remainer is only 'afraid' for the 48%, and the portion of 52% coming to their senses, however late. The rest are welcome to assume the full responsibility of their beliefs and actions.


Your government is bulk-buying fridges across the world to stockpile medicines.


Read it again: your government is bulk-buying fridges across the world to stockpile medicines.


No project fear or project hysteria: that's your tax money not getting spent on the NHS, social and care services, the educational system, infrastructure, social housing...all £4.2bn (so far) of it. £81m per week, that your classlings aren't getting any benefit from howsoever.

Edited by L00b
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11 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

For someone who is a committed Brextremist and even call themselves BrexitGuy, you have no real idea what the EU actually is or does, do you?


You just crank out the same old nonsense and meaningless nationalist slogans that were being trotted out during the referendum campaign. How can you seriously claim that we don't need another referendum because people knew exactly what they were voting for, when a Brexit cheerleader like you struggles to understand any of the issues?


Why is it that Remainers resisted the calls for a referendum on the EU for a couple of decades but now seemingly can't get enough of them?

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20 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Why is it that Remainers resisted the calls for a referendum on the EU for a couple of decades but now seemingly can't get enough of them?

i think we've all had  more than enough of them 


no one other than farage wanted the first one,  cameron became a reluctant convert because he wanted to resolve his parties obsession with the eu once and for all, no one else wanted one.


no one really wants a second one, but it's quite clear parliament is unable to come to any decision on this but a decision has to be made. if parliament can't make a decision then only the people can. 



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55 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

What are Remainers afraid of?

Aside from what's been posted above, using Brexit as an excuse to justify racist behavior.


I feel sorry for anyone planning to stay in the UK after we leave.


Police bracing for Brexit hate crime spike against EU citizens and migrants in March



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6 hours ago, BrexitGuy said:

Maybe it's not so much of a crank, and more towards a point of view that's more widespread than the remoaners feel comfortable with. If you can't accept a little opposition then maybe this subject isn't for you.


This subject is entirely for us and I hope and expect that fair minded people will exercise their right to question the stupidity that is Brexit.

You referred to the sheeple who allowed Nazi propaganda to hold sway during the 30s,and if you cannot see the parallels then you have learnt nothing from history.

I know that there are reasonably minded people who for their own reasons voted to leave the EU.

There are also some who didn’t bother to vote because either they didn’t care or thought the result was a foregone conclusion.

However I also know that the xenophobic and racist views inherent in some were cynically whipped up by Farage and co,and this is unforgivable.

Power to Anna Soubry who has talked some sense and compares very favourably with those who chose to pursue her.


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3 hours ago, L00b said:

No project fear or project hysteria: that's your tax money not getting spent on the NHS, social and care services, the educational system, infrastructure, social housing...all £4.2bn (so far) of it. £81m per week, that your classlings aren't getting any benefit from howsoever.

We are a rich country and have plenty in reserves for emergencies, if we didnt we would not be able to pay the £49 billion owed to the EU so £4.2 billion (so far) is not a lot.

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