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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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18 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Which ever way the Brextremists spin it, after all the hype, fake news, electoral illegalities, financial irregularities,Russian involvement, lies on buses, and false promises the leave campaign could not convince more than 36.4% of the electorate to support them.


We don't need a second referendum just a government with the balls to say that there is no democratic mandate for this mess we find ourselves in and put an end to it.

Ah. You are a referendum result denier. One of those people.

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2 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Italy was once one of the staunchest supporters of the EU. Now it is one of its biggest critics.

... less so on a daily basis.


The reality is that Brexit has kicked favourability towards the EU dramatically upwards in member states.


Italy is no exception, favourability towards the EU is up 5 points this year and increasing.


Brexit is such a self inflicted disaster, right wing nationalists elsewhere have started telling each other to keep it real.



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6 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Ah. You are a referendum result denier. One of those people.

 No, I am quite sure that the referendum result was 37% Leave, 36% Remain.


In an advisory referendum the only thing that can be drawn from that result is there is no overall majority for either option therefore convention dictates that the status quo prevails.


Trying to claim a democratic basis for the UK leaving the EU when it has the support of less than 40% of the enectorate and 25% of the population is bonkers.

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11 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

 No, I am quite sure that the referendum result was 37% Leave, 36% Remain.


In an advisory referendum the only thing that can be drawn from that result is there is no overall majority for either option therefore convention dictates that the status quo prevails.


Trying to claim a democratic basis for the UK leaving the EU when it has the support of less than 40% of the enectorate and 25% of the population is bonkers.

Where are you getting your figures from? The percentage of votes was 51.8% leave and 48.1 remain. You cannot use the percentage of the entrire population when they simply didnt turn out. 

As for the status quo, well the leave campaign got over 50% of the vote, so thats a crock what you said too, so god knows where you got your "convention dictates" speech from. 


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2 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

No, just the electorate.

You cannot use the electorate for your example. Its a bit like not playing the lottery then saying you would have had those winning numbers if you'd had a go. 

The people that did not vote knew how important this vote was. It was well publicised and was a simple yes or no. A hugely important democratic decision for the public to make. 

If they chose not to vote then their electoral right for THAT vote has been and gone. We all had the same chance to voice our opinion. 



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24 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

 No, I am quite sure that the referendum result was 37% Leave, 36% Remain.


In an advisory referendum the only thing that can be drawn from that result is there is no overall majority for either option therefore convention dictates that the status quo prevails.


Trying to claim a democratic basis for the UK leaving the EU when it has the support of less than 40% of the enectorate and 25% of the population is bonkers.

You're like a stuck record it was never mentioned before the referendum that it would be a advisory one only. I don't think you're stupid but by repeating this nonsense it's starting to look that way.

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18 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Which ever way the Brextremists spin it, after all the hype, fake news, electoral illegalities, financial irregularities,Russian involvement, lies on buses, and false promises the leave campaign could not convince more than 36.4% of the electorate to support them.


Despite all the government funded lies, Remain only persuaded 34% to support them. You can spin it how you like, more want to Leave than stay. Time to dry your eyes and accept that.

Those people aren't 'brextremists' , they are people with different experience and opinions to yours, when you can stop yourself using such silly divisive language, you yourself may come across as less extreme.

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