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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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2 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Your evidence for that?





5 minutes ago, woodview said:

Despite all the government funded lies, Remain only persuaded 34% to support them. You can spin it how you like, more want to Leave than stay. Time to dry your eyes and accept that.

Those people aren't 'brextremists' , they are people with different experience and opinions to yours, when you can stop yourself using such silly divisive language, you yourself may come across as less extreme.

The scaremongering from the remoaners has now turned to gobbledegook. 

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23 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Boy Dave had a different idea about the referendum.


" And remember : they cannot undo the decision we take.

If we vote out, that's it.

It is irreversible.

We will leave Europe - for good."



As you seem to take an extra special interest into what Dave said, I presume you agree that ukip supporters are fruitcakes loons and nutters. 

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7 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Your evidence for that?

We had a well publicised referendum with a turnout exceeding the last 6 general elections, which asked a definitive question. It was on the news, maybe you saw it? The majority of voters selected Leave. That is my evidence.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

 No, I am quite sure that the referendum result was 37% Leave, 36% Remain.


In an advisory referendum the only thing that can be drawn from that result is there is no overall majority for either option therefore convention dictates that the status quo prevails.


Trying to claim a democratic basis for the UK leaving the EU when it has the support of less than 40% of the enectorate and 25% of the population is bonkers.

Those figures you have given for the June 2016 referendum result are completely wrong. Everybody knows it was 52 per cent Leave and 48 per cent Remain.


You are sounding more and more like a historical revisionist referendum denier, an extremist.



Edited by Car Boot
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4 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Those figures you have given for the June 2016 referendum result are completely wrong. Everybody knows it was 52 per cent Leave and 48 per cent Remain.


You are sounding more and more like a historical revisionist referendum denier, an extremist.



I told him this earlier and hes yet to tell us why he changed them. 

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3 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Still waiting for someone to show me evidence that the majority of people in the UK support  leaving the EU.

The majority WHO VOTED chose leave. Even in your own purposely twisted logic, the same word twisting means even fewer want to remain in the eu. As I posted, using your number scheme 34% wanted to stay.

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