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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

Here is a very good article from a Remain voter that pulls apart the arguments for a 'People's Vote'...


Taking down the arguments for a second referendum


By Chelley Ryan




"People were lied to, the Remainers say.


Well, yes, it was a campaign to secure votes, and unfortunately people lie in those. We know that from general election after general election. To suggest we should rerun a campaign because of lies is to suggest the public are naive enough to swallow them, hook, line and sinker.


Had that been the case, the outing of those lies would have given Remain a 20-plus point lead by now, instead of the narrow lead it’s taken them two years of hard campaigning against a snoozing opponent to achieve."

Personally I don’t want a People’s Vote because of the lies told in the campaign.

When you have lived through countless elections of every description you learn to question every promise or messages given out to try to tempt voters.

This is substantially different to wishing for a further vote based on the facts and probabilities that we now know 2 years later.

Quite simple.May’s exit strategy ,which despite the bluster I think will be nearest to the final outcome,versus Remain.

I would accept and respect the outcome .

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2 hours ago, apelike said:

Out of interest.. What do you think Russia gains from any destabilisation it causes in today's modern world?

I dont think any terms allegedly promised were much of a consideration to the voters especially as the end question was either Remain or Leave. Its a bit like a manifesto that is published by a political party before a GE and then ignored when they get in.

Putin wants to destabilize the west to increase Russian power the EU gets in the way of his plans. Putin is not communist in his political views more conservative but in Russian politics the people want an strong leader the break up of the U.S.S.R was embrassing has Russia lost a lot of terrority has the former Soviet Republics became independent nation's out of Moscow's control . Putin wants that terrority back failing  that Putin wants governments that favor Russia. 

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On 12/21/2018 at 12:07 PM, Halibut said:

How will recession, job losses, restricted movement and food shortages benefit the people exactly?

Lots of crystal ball gazers in this thread I see.


Those crystal balls must be red hot as they desperately try to fool as many of us as possible into believing that reversing the democratic decision of June 2016 would be a great victory for 'the people' whereas, of course, it would really be a great victory for Big Business and the Banks.

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3 hours ago, Magilla said:

Weird, I can't recall folk bending over backwards to excuse that breach of trust and shrugging their shoulders when manifesto promises are broken, quite the opposite :?

Whether they do or dont the fact still remains that written manifesto promises by major parties sometimes get dropped when elected into power. Anyone who thought all the so called brexit promises would be carried out should also know that it is the government in charge that will be doing the negotiating so what happens is up to them and parliament. Probably the reason why its not the leavers that are complaining about any so called promises but weirdly its coming from the remainers.

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3 hours ago, Magilla said:

Seems there's a fairly large majority who disagree and would like to have another say :rolleyes:


Weird, I can't recall folk bending over backwards to excuse that breach of trust and shrugging their shoulders when manifesto promises are broken, quite the opposite :?

There is only a minority of the most extreme Remainers calling for another vote which would tear society apart.


Which political party has broken it's June 2016 referendum manifesto?

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4 hours ago, Magilla said:

Then you read the posts on here from the likes of BrexitGuy, Lockdoctor, woodview, and yourself and realise that it is self evidently true!


Of course, the real reason for a second vote is that Brexit is already a failure, it will not deliver on any promise made.


Nothing has changed or been said that would change my vote in a re-run. Your work on here would make me more likely to not change too. If you were to get a wider audience, then Leave would get an even larger majority. Keep up the good work alienating people Agent Mogg.

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1 minute ago, davyboy said:

So suppose the referendum went the other way 48:52 remain.

How would the remainers answer the call for a rerun by the exitiers?


Probably with the same amount of tears as they do now.

It's inarguably the most pathetic show of the most undemocratic people of our country. Not only are the most extreme remainers showing a complete lack of respect they are also horribly awful at adding up.

2 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Do you REALLY want to stay in this abomination that is fast going to the dogs. 


Here is a little clip, just to prove that all is not well in the corrupt EU.




Yes, and our European friends will never allow financial sanctions on us after brexit. This is one reason why...


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