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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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35 minutes ago, woodview said:

Equating anti-eu feeling and moon landing conspiricies is exactly the type of atittude that people are fed up of. 

Except that I am not doing that.


I am equating conspiracy theories that claim that there is a secret cabal behind a plan to create an EU superstate with it's own army that will crush all forms of national identity with other conspiracy theories.


That theory is as bonkers as the moon landing conspiracy theories and the Brexit vote and Trump's election do not make them any less bonkers! 😜

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On 12/21/2018 at 5:49 PM, Top Cats Hat said:

 No, I am quite sure that the referendum result was 37% Leave, 36% Remain.


In an advisory referendum the only thing that can be drawn from that result is there is no overall majority for either option therefore convention dictates that the status quo prevails.


Trying to claim a democratic basis for the UK leaving the EU when it has the support of less than 40% of the enectorate and 25% of the population is bonkers.

Serious question: Were you once a Spin Doctor for ZANU-PF?

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10 hours ago, woodview said:

Disillusionment with the eu resulted in a vote Leave.

was it though? there is some evidence that some, not all by any means, voters used the referendum as a protest vote against the world in general and david cameron in particular because they thought remain would win. 


people voted leave for all sorts of reasons, some better than others. 


for all the squarking about why we shouldn't have a second referendum,  it's clear that parliament is failing in this matter, if parliament has failed then that only leaves "the people" to sort it out. the people on either edge will not be reconciled to anything other than their own position but i'm not sure the majority of people in the middle would be that upset if they were given another choice. 


10 hours ago, woodview said:

Things need to change.

how would you change them?

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7 minutes ago, andyofborg said:

was it though? there is some evidence that some, not all by any means, voters used the referendum as a protest vote against the world in general and david cameron in particular because they thought remain would win. 


people voted leave for all sorts of reasons, some better than others. 


for all the squarking about why we shouldn't have a second referendum,  it's clear that parliament is failing in this matter, if parliament has failed then that only leaves "the people" to sort it out. the people on either edge will not be reconciled to anything other than their own position but i'm not sure the majority of people in the middle would be that upset if they were given another choice. 


The question on the ballot paper was very simple which gave two choices.  It's utter nonsense to spout  a theory that some  people only voted to leave in order to protest.


The  majority of Parliament were against the UK leaving the EU before the EU referendum vote and the majority still haven't accepted the democratic referendum result. The reason why Parliament is failing  to deliver Brexit is because Parliament  want to circumvent the democratic choice the UK people made.  


 We shouldn't have a second referendum, if Parliament continue to ignore the democratic wishes the people made.  Instead of a second referendum we should have martial law until the UK leave the EU and the ring leaders in Parliament, who so far have obstructed Brexit should be imprisoned.

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7 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:



 We shouldn't have a second referendum, if Parliament continue to ignore the democratic wishes the people made.  Instead of a second referendum we should have martial law until the UK leave the EU and the ring leaders in Parliament, who so far have obstructed Brexit should be imprisoned.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

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5 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The question on the ballot paper was very simple which gave two choices.  It's utter nonsense to spout  a theory that some  people only voted to leave in order to protest.

whether you like it or not, some people did just that.


5 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The  majority of Parliament were against the UK leaving the EU before the EU referendum vote and the majority still haven't accepted the democratic referendum result. The reason why Parliament is failing  to deliver Brexit is because Parliament  want to circumvent the democratic choice the UK people made.  

yet they approved article 50 and have passed much of the legislation needed to effect an exit, and many of the complaints about the withdrawl agreement are that is keeps the uk too close to the EU,  so your assertion is demonstrably false.

5 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

 We shouldn't have a second referendum, if Parliament continue to ignore the democratic wishes the people made.  Instead of a second referendum we should have martial law until the UK leave the EU and the ring leaders in Parliament, who so far have obstructed Brexit should be imprisoned.

I expect a better class of trolling from you. 

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13 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Yes, but apart from you and a handful of right wing conspiracy theorists, nobody else believes it.


Paranoid rubbish!

Paranoid rubbish eh ?

The EU is too big for its boots - hence Brexit.

Unelected nutjobs who think they know best on how countries should be run.

Im afraid the peoples of Europe have woke up.

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18 minutes ago, OPEN BORDERS said:

Paranoid rubbish eh ?

The EU is too big for its boots - hence Brexit.

Unelected nutjobs who think they know best on how countries should be run.

Im afraid the peoples of Europe have woke up.

but do elected nutjobs know any better?

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