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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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5 minutes ago, melthebell said:

If they blindly tell us what to do, why arent we in the eurozone of schengen zone among others where we told em to stuff it? as i said your analogy is simplistic in the extreme, and based on mistruth, which brexit is wholly based on.

Well, in 2017 the UK paid £8.9 billion more than we got back. If this trend continues, assuming our farmers rebates remain the same, we will pay out £100 billion in the next ten years. That's taken off all the rebate we get back from the EU, which is roughly £4 billion. 

Can you honestly say that that amount of taxpayers money wouldn't be better used here? And even before you spout the mistruth extreme stuff about these figures, you go and prove them wrong because they are bang on. Remember, the rebates have been taken off and it's still almost £9 billion a year. .

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3 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

Well, in 2017 the UK paid £8.9 billion more than we got back. If this trend continues, assuming our farmers rebates remain the same, we will pay out £100 billion in the next ten years. That's taken off all the rebate we get back from the EU, which is roughly £4 billion. 

Can you honestly say that that amount of taxpayers money wouldn't be better used here? And even before you spout the mistruth extreme stuff about these figures, you go and prove them wrong because they are bang on. Remember, the rebates have been taken off and it's still almost £9 billion a year. .

Ive no idea on amounts, BUT........


1: when you join a gang you agree to abide by their rules?

2: these rules are devised on the economy etc of the country in question, including debts, borrowing etc?

3: what i do know its complete crap that its the EUs fault we cant adequately fund services like the police, NHS etc, I'm sorry that squarely falls to our own tory government AND previous governments, always cutting services and the poorer in society to feed more to their business mates.

4: OUR government decided on austerity too, NOT the EU which also impacts on the funding of services etc.

5: the financial crisis which lead to austerity was a worldwide issue, which mainly started in the US, NOT the EUs fault.


so yeah, more mistruths, it wasnt the EU taking money we said we'd pay that has lead to a shortfall to the NHS, we have plenty of money, its getting siphoned off the poor and services from the rich

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1 minute ago, I1L2T3 said:

EU payments = A fraction of 1% of GDP


Getting upset about it is like shooting yourself in the balls because your council tax went up by a tenner


Perspective is everything 



Agreed, but the NHS needs a huge injection to function. Which would be a fraction of what is paid into the EU and proof that the EU is not good value is there for all to see. No need for opinion on that score. We pay more than we receive. Can you imagine a business running like that? Nope,me neither. 


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3 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

Agreed, but the NHS needs a huge injection to function. Which would be a fraction of what is paid into the EU and proof that the EU is not good value is there for all to see. No need for opinion on that score. We pay more than we receive. Can you imagine a business running like that? Nope,me neither. 


Can you provide proof of that, given the vast amounts of EU cash going towards the regions that Westminster chose  not to fund. Remember just after the vote when Cornwall voted leave but then bizarrely and stupidly thought Westminster would continue to pay them the same amount of money they got from the EU. When they were told they wouldn't they seemed surprised. Doh!!

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8 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

Agreed, but the NHS needs a huge injection to function. Which would be a fraction of what is paid into the EU and proof that the EU is not good value is there for all to see. No need for opinion on that score. We pay more than we receive. Can you imagine a business running like that? Nope,me neither. 


£7bn into a £100bn+ NHS budget could be met from government efficiencies and/or intelligent taxation without leaving the EU.


We don’t need to leave the EU to make the state more efficient. To argue that the only way to make the state more efficient is by leaving the EU is a serious logical failure. A fallacy of epic proportions, no less.


Leaving the EU won’t make our politicians more responsible.


Perspective is everything

Edited by I1L2T3
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6 minutes ago, taxman said:

Can you provide proof of that, given the vast amounts of EU cash going towards the regions that Westminster chose  not to fund. Remember just after the vote when Cornwall voted leave but then bizarrely and stupidly thought Westminster would continue to pay them the same amount of money they got from the EU. When they were told they wouldn't they seemed surprised. Doh!!

Unlike most of the posters, I won't fall into the link proof source bucket. If you want to disprove this, crack on. Because you won't. There's plenty out there that explains where our money has gone and how much of it comes back. Last year we paid in £8.9 billion more than we received back in subsidies. And although some believe this payment to be very low in comparison to GDP, maybe they don't get how a budget works. 

And as for EU cash..... Well that's a giggle in itself. Just look at the amount of debt the members states are in, when put against the GDP.

The EU is a failure.

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12 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

Unlike most of the posters, I won't fall into the link proof source bucket. If you want to disprove this, crack on. Because you won't. There's plenty out there that explains where our money has gone and how much of it comes back. Last year we paid in £8.9 billion more than we received back in subsidies. And although some believe this payment to be very low in comparison to GDP, maybe they don't get how a budget works. 

And as for EU cash..... Well that's a giggle in itself. Just look at the amount of debt the members states are in, when put against the GDP.

The EU is a failure.

Again, the debts are down to the individual countries governments and the EU try to tie them into financial plans to help get them back functioning correctly, NOT to make it worse :rolleyes:

Again as for "against the GDP" that shows how good our economy is and why we pay more, which is the correct way.


but you dont want to hear any of this as you are an obsessive brextremist

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21 minutes ago, BrexitGuy said:

Unlike most of the posters, I won't fall into the link proof source bucket. If you want to disprove this, crack on. Because you won't. There's plenty out there that explains where our money has gone and how much of it comes back. Last year we paid in £8.9 billion more than we received back in subsidies. And although some believe this payment to be very low in comparison to GDP, maybe they don't get how a budget works. 

And as for EU cash..... Well that's a giggle in itself. Just look at the amount of debt the members states are in, when put against the GDP.

The EU is a failure.

How is the weather in Pyongyang in January

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2 hours ago, BrexitGuy said:

Agreed, but the NHS needs a huge injection to function. Which would be a fraction of what is paid into the EU and proof that the EU is not good value is there for all to see. No need for opinion on that score. We pay more than we receive. Can you imagine a business running like that? Nope,me neither. 


Presumably you can imagine running counties in the UK like that though, you realise that some are net contributors and some are not?

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