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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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2 hours ago, apelike said:

Because I'm sick of hearing the constant moaning from remainers who just cannot accept that people voted differently to them. Constantly being told that the referendum was advisory only. Being told that it was the educationally challenged old people that voted leave. Being told that those that voted leave dont care about the future of their children or grand children. Being told that the majority of the population didnt vote to leave when that's pretty obvious as in our democracy only the electorate and the voters count. Being told that the Russians skewed the results.... Unfortunately there is plenty more but I will stop at that. 


But like it or not the main reason is that I have the right to post on SF just as much as anybody else and if people dont like what I post then they can use the ignore button or simply just dont post as its a 2 way thing. Notice how polite I normally am as well unlike many who post on here.

Yes you have a right to post here. Of course you do. 


But you haven’t really answered the question. Why, if you believe the implementation of Brexit has nothing to do with you, do you keep posting?


I think the answers are:

1. You are concerned that Brexit might not happen. If you think that then maybe, whatever you say, the case for remain or at the least a very soft Brexit, has some credibility. If you were secure in the certainty of Brexit you wouldn’t get so excited.

2. Whatever you say you really do want a certain type of Brexit. If we went EEA I think we’d see some very angry Apelike posts on here, perhaps on certain days in response to right wing media and social media dog whistles.

3. You don’t like the way that the leave voters are profiled, mainly I suspect because a lot of what is said is an uncomfortable truth. There are other uncomfortable truths. You do know that the referendum was advisory. You do know the Russians got involved. You do know there were lies. You do know there was illegality. The list goes on and on. And it all feeds back into the insecurities I described in 1. These are all risks to Brexit, coupled of course with demographics shifting. And it all makes you angry.


This is not personal to you. Must leavers on here fit this pattern.

Edited by I1L2T3
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1 minute ago, I1L2T3 said:

Yes you have a right to post here. Of course you do. 


But you haven’t really answered the question. Why, if you believe the implementation of Brexit has nothing to do with you, do you keep posting?


I think the answers are:

1. You are concerned that Brexit might not happen. If you think that then maybe, whatever you say, the case for remain or at the least a very soft Brexit, has some credibility. If you were secure in the certainty of Brexit you wouldn’t get so excited.

2. Whatever you say you really do want a certain type of Brexit. If we went EEA I think we’d see some very angry Apelike posts on here, perhaps on certain days in response to right wing media and social media dog whistles.

3. You don’t like the way that the leave voters are profiled, mainly I suspect because a lot of what is said is an uncomfortable truth. There are other uncomfortable truths. You do know that the referendum was advisory. You do know the Russians got involved. You do know there were lies. You do know there was illegality. The list goes on and on. And it all feeds back into the insecurities I described in 1. These are all risks to Brexit, couple of course with demographics shifting. And it all makes you angry.


This is not personal to you. Must leavers on here fit this pattern.

I dont. Any Brexit will do me, any at all. And im certainly not angry about it either. 

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1 minute ago, I1L2T3 said:

Yes you have a right to post here. Of course you do. 


But you haven’t really answered the question. Why, if you believe the implementation of Brexit has nothing to do with you, do you keep posting?

Because it is a discussion forum and if no one posts then it is not a discussion forum.

1 minute ago, BrexitGuy said:

I dont. Any Brexit will do me, any at all. And im certainly not angry about it either. 

Same here but it will not stop the normal stereotyping syndrome.

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7 minutes ago, apelike said:

I think you need to look up why people like to use the word "kinda":)

Yeah, but you know you did contradict yourself.

19 minutes ago, SnailyBoy said:

For me however I will accept what parliament decide but I dont think it should be a public decision for reasons I have stated before.


So, should a democracy be able to change it's mind? (A little tricky to answer considering your earlier post, have a bash though)


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1 minute ago, SnailyBoy said:

Apart from referendums of course, then the people decide.

No they don't as referendums in the UK are generally advisory only which means parliament then get to decide if they wish to implement the result not the people. The only referendum that legally obliged parliament to carry out the result of the peoples decision was for AV.

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31 minutes ago, apelike said:

No they don't as referendums in the UK are generally advisory only which means parliament then get to decide if they wish to implement the result not the people. The only referendum that legally obliged parliament to carry out the result of the peoples decision was for AV.



So, should a democracy be able to change its mind?

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