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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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9 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Wait, I voted remain and it's up to remainers to sort out us leaving the EU, despite remainers wanting to stay and we are actually leaving the EU. But it's not down to leavers to sort out? Its leavers who "forced" camerons hand, its leavers who have held key positions in government ie davis, johnson, raab, its leavers like rees mogg who pressured May and forced a no confidence vote and forced her, again, to faff about with the final vote.  And May wants to leave. "Brexit means brexit" she said. She won, just, an election based on her delivetimg brexit - remain supportimg lib dems didnt do well. Leave has all the power but still cant fix it because they cant agree how to leave. Remainrrs have no power in this,  and haven't done since June 2016.


Leavers need to own this. It's ALL on them.


Exactly. For most remainers being told that WE have to sort out Brexit is like telling a condemned man to dig his own grave before he’s kicked into it then shot in the face.


Dont leavers get it? We don’t want to leave, and in terms of reasons why, all logic, fact and practicality supports us and not you.

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10 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

Exactly. For most remainers being told that WE have to sort out Brexit is like telling a condemned man to dig his own grave before he’s kicked into it then shot in the face.


Dont leavers get it? We don’t want to leave, and in terms of reasons why, all logic, fact and practicality supports us and not you.

Quite obviously not enough supported remain, that's why you're on the losing side no matter how much you whimper.

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10 minutes ago, retep said:

Quite obviously not enough supported remain, that's why you're on the losing side no matter how much you whimper.

Same old.


You still don’t get it. If this is going to be a success it has to suit as many people as possible. That includes the 48% who voted to remain.


The most blindingly obvious solution was the EEA one but your lot screwed that up royally.


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7 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

Same old.


You still don’t get it. If this is going to be a success it has to suit as many people as possible. That includes the 48% who voted to remain.


The most blindingly obvious solution was the EEA one but your lot screwed that up royally.


It won't be a success for either with a remainer in charge, the UK will be left hanging by a leg in and a leg out with May's deal, now tell us who screwed  up royally.

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24 minutes ago, retep said:

It won't be a success for either with a remainer in charge, the UK will be left hanging by a leg in and a leg out with May's deal, now tell us who screwed  up royally.

Afraid that comes back to you.

This popular vote,this desire of some vocal Conservative MPs could not come up with a leader prepared or capable of carrying out your wishes.

Apart from ripping their own party to pieces,the Brexiters also managed to split their own camp to shreds.

If nothing else,the last two years should have taught you that the complexities of leaving the EU were  never considered,and now cannot be unravelled by any Brexit supporting leader.


Edited by RJRB
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5 hours ago, andyofborg said:

so you would be ok  if parliament changed it's "mind" and decided to either take advantage of the recent ECJ decision and withdraw the Article 50 notification or arrange another advisory referendum with one or more questions/options which sought to identify the opinion of the people

Yes as they are the sovereign democratic body in the UK it is solely up to them. This is the reason I say the if the remainers want another one then it is up to them to push for it to happen.

5 hours ago, L00b said:

You tell me: how representative a sample of the 17.4m Leave-voting corpus are you?

I dont know as I dont search for results of opinion polls and in any-case do not trust them. All I can say is that I have never been contacted by any of the opinion pollsters asking me questions and by the looks of their sample size I dont think many others have either.

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5 hours ago, andyofborg said:

really? why on earth would you think that?

Because there was no other option on the ballot paper except Remain a member or Leave. If it had other options then I would also have considered the.

5 hours ago, andyofborg said:

presumably, you would like us to honour committments freely made in the past?

If commitments were made then yes of course.

5 hours ago, andyofborg said:

and also that you would like some sort of relationship with the EU and it's Member States?

What does "some sort of relationship mean"? 

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5 hours ago, andyofborg said:

the leave campaign presented a number of "plans" based on unicorns and cakism, all of which have evaporated in the cold light of reality. the leavers within parliament now have a number of more realistic plans. the mess has been caused 100% by the leave side not having a single plan which people could coalesce around. 

But the leave campaign would not be in charge of what happened if the vote was for leave as they had no power to promise anything as it is not like a GE. I think this is what people failed to understand. As for the mess I have already stated that I believe that has been caused by Cameron, the government and also parliament for not judging the people after many years of austerity forced upon them. It was stupid and I'll thought out to hold a referendum when it did.

Edited by apelike
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