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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

Yes very odd that she was called a 'Nazi' by the pro Brexit mob. Normally one wouldn't expect that jibe to come from the far right & those who drape themselves in Union Jack flags.

Perhaps they lack self awareness


At least one of the faces in the group screaming at her was a member of the South East Infidels which is a neo nazi group.


Not the brightest, this lot! 🙄



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I don't know if anyone saw the C4 drama about the Brexit campaign but it did a good job of explaining how 'the undecided' were specifically targetted and sold snake oil by a well funded group of cranks and extremists.


It really did give the lie to the idea that the disenfranchised rose up to 'take back control' when in fact many were simply targetted by tailored facebook news and invites to competitions to harvest data about them.


The programme also suggested that the Brexit campaign was a 'test bed' by US data analysis companies for 'the big one' ie. the electoon of Trump later in the year.

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12 hours ago, tzijlstra said:

Scum? I understand they were shouting 'Nazi Scum' - absolutely abhorrent and symbolic of the completely fraught relations in the UK at the moment.

It's  MPs like Anna Soubry who have contempt for democracy who  are to blame for the fraught relations in the UK at the moment.  However two wrongs don't make a right and Anna Soubry should not have been harassed in that way by the yobs.  I don't want to see the UK turned into the new Zimbabwe where their people are cheated out of democracy but that is exactly what Anna Soubry is seeking to do.


8 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I don't know if anyone saw the C4 drama about the Brexit campaign but it did a good job of explaining how 'the undecided' were specifically targetted and sold snake oil by a well funded group of cranks and extremists.


It really did give the lie to the idea that the disenfranchised rose up to 'take back control' when in fact many were simply targetted by tailored facebook news and invites to competitions to harvest data about them.


The programme also suggested that the Brexit campaign was a 'test bed' by US data analysis companies for 'the big one' ie. the electoon of Trump later in the year.

Only saw part of the program.  Switched off.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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39 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

It's  MPs like Anna Soubry who have contempt for democracy who  are to blame for the fraught relations in the UK at the moment.  However two wrongs don't make a right and Anna Soubry should not have been harassed in that way by the yobs.  I don't want to see the UK turned into the new Zimbabwe where their people are cheated out of democracy but that is exactly what Anna Soubry is seeking to do.


Only saw part of the program.  Switched off.

‘Cheated out of democracy’ my word, no wonder you support Brexit, you haven’t got the foggiest what ‘democracy’ means if you think an elected official can’t have an opinion...

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52 minutes ago, tzijlstra said:

‘Cheated out of democracy’ my word, no wonder you support Brexit, you haven’t got the foggiest what ‘democracy’ means if you think an elected official can’t have an opinion...

It is because I understand democracy why after 23rd June 2016, I support Brexit.  Yes, Anna Soubry is an elected official and just like people, who are no elected officials she had her chance to express her opinion at the ballot box on 23rd June 2016.  I expect elected officials especially those who are members of parliament, who voted overwhelmingly to give the UK people the EU referendum vote to respect the decision the democratic UK people made in that vote.  Anna Soubry doesn't respect the democratic EU referendum vote and in my opinion no longer deserves to be a member of parliament or deserves to stand again for any elected position.

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1 hour ago, tzijlstra said:

‘Cheated out of democracy’ my word, no wonder you support Brexit, you haven’t got the foggiest what ‘democracy’ means if you think an elected official can’t have an opinion...

and that democracy stops with one single referendum LOL

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41 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

It is because I understand democracy why after 23rd June 2016, I support Brexit.  Yes, Anna Soubry is an elected official and just like people, who are no elected officials she had her chance to express her opinion at the ballot box on 23rd June 2016.  I expect elected officials especially those who are members of parliament, who voted overwhelmingly to give the UK people the EU referendum vote to respect the decision the democratic UK people made in that vote.  Anna Soubry doesn't respect the democratic EU referendum vote and in my opinion no longer deserves to be a member of parliament or deserves to stand again for any elected position.

But arent you then denying the democratic will of the democratic people to democratically vote for her if the want to, democratically?

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On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 11:37 AM, Magilla said:

Seems to be going well:



"Brexit Lorry Farce":


Nearly half didn't turn up... government couldn't even organise that properly!


Todays fun fact: The FTSE has lost more value in the last 12 months than the UK has paid into the EU during the entire 45 years we've been a member.

On the lorry front - I thouht this made good reading.




Delving deeper it seems to indicate that delays of up to 40 seconds per lorry are 'managable' but anything above that increases delays exponentially.



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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

 Anna Soubry doesn't respect the democratic EU referendum vote and in my opinion no longer deserves to be a member of parliament or deserves to stand again for any elected position.

What, you mean the inconclusive result in a non-binding referendum in 2016?  Funny, I don't respect it either considering what's happened since.

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