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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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6 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

 Only 6 per cent of UK businesses trade with the EU.


The benefits of staying in the EU have been massively over exaggerated.

Depends very much on which 6%.

5 minutes ago, woodview said:

I think you need to read up too. We still default to a no deal Brexit, unless Parliament comes up with a proposal that can get a majority, and then is agreed by the EU.

Those votes were significant, but don't currently change the law of leaving in March.

I'd be amazed , and grateful if they do come up with a sensible proposal, that meets the concerns of both Leave and Remain voters. As it stands, I won't be holding my breath.

Which sort of leave voter? As we are reminded, people voted leave for many many reasons. Impossible to keep half of them happy no matter what deal is put forward.

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2 minutes ago, retep said:

May's last hope?





Seems implausible. I don't think May has any wish or intention to try to push through a no-deal. She is , at heart, a Remain supporter.

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2 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:


Which sort of leave voter? As we are reminded, people voted leave for many many reasons. Impossible to keep half of them happy no matter what deal is put forward.

Correct. But, we are in a situation where 50% of the country wanted one thing and 50% wanted another. A compromise deal is what should have been the goal.

I don't supprt TMs deal, purely because of the potential for being locked in the transition indefinitely.

However, a deal like that, that ends unresitricted free movement, yet allows controlled sensible migration, a deal that allows trade to continue smoothly, aking to what is does now, is feasible, as it is what has been negotiated. The backstop has been the saving grace of those wanting to make Brexit as difficult as possible.

It is possible to have a deal that keeps both 'happy', or not livid at least,  if it excludes the aspects that both see as worse.

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2 minutes ago, woodview said:

Seems implausible. I don't think May has any wish or intention to try to push through a no-deal. She is , at heart, a Remain supporter.

And she's said she won't be in charge for the next election so we would need another bit of Tory blood letting whilst they have another leadership election. She might as well just toss corbyn the keys to number 10 and save time.

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2 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

And she's said she won't be in charge for the next election so we would need another bit of Tory blood letting whilst they have another leadership election. She might as well just toss corbyn the keys to number 10 and save time.

I think the next gm whenever it is will be a different thing to ones we have seen in the past. I can't see either party staying in their current forms for much longer. Both are dinosaurs. I don't know many (any?) people who particularly support either, as they may have done in the past.

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20 minutes ago, retep said:

May's last hope?

The ERG's last hope more like. Keep in mind the Labour Party's official policy since their conference last September is for a general election in preference to another referendum.

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6 minutes ago, altus said:

The ERG's last hope more like. Keep in mind the Labour Party's official policy since their conference last September is for a general election in preference to another referendum.

A GM can't happen before brexit, unless exit day is delayed. Even in that case, the parties will have to have a manifesto for us to choose from. I'd be interested to see what the policies of both parties are on Brexit..........

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

I  understand Leave  WON the EU referendum.

As I am getting tired of repeating, NOBODY won the EU referendum.


36% Leave


35% Remain


29% Undecided or didn't vote


Effectively split three ways with 1% between the first two and less than 8% between the first and last of the three. 

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