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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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You all wanted parliamentary sovereignty. Parliament will decide what to do in the coming weeks. Even if a People’s Vote is determined the way to the proceed what is the problem exactly? Parliament decides after all. It sounds like people who don’t agree with Parliament are the people behaving like spoilt children. 

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31 minutes ago, woodview said:

What nonesense. Predicting an effect from a cause isn't promoting it at all.

You predict bad things happening because if Brexit, does that mean you are promoting them??😒🙄

Given the fanatical unwavering views of the poster in question I think my concerns are warranted.


He’s a big lad. Let him speak for himself

25 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I am struggling to understand your point. I am an adult and when David Cameron told us all that if the UK voted to leave the EU then the UK would really leave the EU and there wouldn't be another referendum, I believed his words.  The way  I Iook at the situation is that the people who don't respect the EU referendum result and are calling for another referendum are not behaving like adults and are behaving more like spoilt children do, when they throw their toys out of the pram after they don't get their own way.

We’ve been over this umpteen times. It doesn’t matter what Cameron said or promised. He left the day after the referendum after spending months insisting he would implement the result.


He’s now holed up in a shed in his garden. 

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5 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

Given the fanatical unwavering views of the poster in question I think my concerns are warranted.


He’s a big lad. Let him speak for himself


Well it's a public forum, so we all comment on each others, unless you just pm each or chat in the pub instead.

Point stands, predicting something doesn't imply promoting it. Often it's the contrary.

My issue was really down to you taking that route as a lazy 'argument winner' .

Ignoring the view of a large proportion of the electorate is thin ice. Some will take it as typical politician behaviour others will drift to the extremes. Either way, it's not big or clever.

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28 minutes ago, apelike said:

I notice hundreds turned out at the People Vote Campaign in Sheffield.




Lord Hattersley, who was due to speak at the event but could not attend because of health reasons was very patronising in saying ""They voted by a small majority to leave the union, but they had no idea what leaving the union meant."

I doubt, after reading this thread and seeing the shambles in parliament, anyone could be under any illusion... he is absolutely right! (IMHO)

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12 minutes ago, woodview said:

He doesn't want all the silly racist Leave voters disenfranchised then rounded up and put in remedial schools and work houses? Thank heavens.

I've no idea, neither of us mentioned rounding them up... you could suggest it since it appears you're the only one suggesting it :thumbsup:



Edited by Magilla
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