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Whats a million quid or two matter.

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perhaps.....but i see you didnt offer any evidence either


Tell me now how I can prove that if the monarch was removed that tourism wouldn't be affected? You write like a remainer.


It's a typical argument from you banjo, because there is no way I prove what would happen.


Most people can see obvious things. Lefties seem to be devoid of such traits, and this is a classic example.

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His argument is, the royals generate money, the royals generate money from the land they hold, if the country held that land, we would as a nation, still generate money from that land:):)


of course its no argument, thier ancestors probability kill your and mine and his to get the land

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you do understand how wikipedia works dont you? thats not at all factual and should never be refered to as such. any page can be edited by anyone.


you or i could edit that page right now should be wish. at best wiki is a work of unverifiable fiction.







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looks like a stalemate because i am waiting for anything from yourself that is not pure opinion. go google. there are plenty of reports showing the income the royals are either directly, or indirectly responsible for generating to the uk.


i though am not interested in doing that research for you. and you dont want to go look because your stuck in your rigid mindset and dont want to find anything that may force you to change your mind


you seem to have ignored the sticky finger of the duke of York i posted earlier, tell me other they have selflessly done. Or are you embedded in mindless serfdom

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i think your wrong.


those of us that are capable of simple maths have worked out that the royal family is great for the uk, and generates a LOT more income than they cost.


I think my family does too given our levels of income and the tax me and the missus pay between us.


The house needs a rewire. Are you willing to chip in?

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I think my family does too given our levels of income and the tax me and the missus pay between us.


The house needs a rewire. Are you willing to chip in?


to be honest i think it should be done however open it up to tourists every day to re coupe it

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lol, do you have any facts to back up that more tourists comment? or is that just opinion as well?


again let me help.





you really do need to research before typing. your starting to look a bit daft




Paris is 5th.


Only a very daft person would believe that London was the UK, or that Paris was France.


France does get more tourists than the UK. Here is the proof.


You can decide how daft you look now and post us all a score out of ten if you wish:)

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Recoup what?


What on earth are people not understanding. The Palace belongs to the crown estate which puts millions of pounds into the Treasury every year. The costs of repairing the palace will be coming from the royal subsidy from said crown estate.


Nothing to do with taxpayer having to cough up anything.


God sake, its nothing more difficult than a company making a reduction on their shareholder profit to increase outgoing budget to pay for repairs to company properties.

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Recoup what?


What on earth are people not understanding. The Palace belongs to the crown estate which puts millions of pounds into the Treasury every year. The costs of repairing the palace will be coming from the royal subsidy from said crown estate.


Nothing to do with taxpayer having to cough up anything.


God sake, its nothing more difficult than a company making a reduction on their shareholder profit to increase outgoing budget to pay for repairs to company properties.


why isn't it open more then, who is the share holders in this case

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What do you mean open more? It does have many other operations which are not just there for tourists to gorpe at.


I will concede its not a wholly like for like comparative but the point I am trying to make is that it is a simple calculation of income, outgoings and expenditure.


The Crown Estate is the income

The Royal Operations are the outgoings

The net profit goes to the public purse.


This time round, the outgoings increase to allow the palace renovations. The Treasury still get some profit, but just not as much (temporarilly).


The point is that the work needs to be done and as I have explained several times now, it is NOT coming directly out of the public purse. That, is unlike the Houses of Parliment renovations which, as someone else pointed out earlier, IS coming out of the public purse and will have far more impact on taxpayers becuase its buildings dont put anything into it.


Any attacks on that? No - Royals are the target as usual.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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