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Whats a million quid or two matter.

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Recoup what?

The costs of repairing the palace will be coming from the royal subsidy from said crown estate.



Is that like the spare room subsidy.


Or is this the wrong thread to raise such a subject:rolleyes:

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Recoup what?


What on earth are people not understanding. The Palace belongs to the crown estate which puts millions of pounds into the Treasury every year. The costs of repairing the palace will be coming from the royal subsidy from said crown estate.




It really won't.


We don't have a hypothecated tax system, so the money that the Crown Estate generously donates goes into the pot along with my 40%. They pay for roads, schools and buildings maintenance for the over-privileged, just like I do.

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What do you mean open more? It does have many other operations which are not just there for tourists to gorpe at.


I will concede its not a wholly like for like comparative but the point I am trying to make is that it is a simple calculation of income, outgoings and expenditure.


The Crown Estate is the income

The Royal Operations are the outgoings

The net profit goes to the public purse.


This time round, the outgoings increase to allow the palace renovations. The Treasury still get some profit, but just not as much (temporarilly).


The point is that the work needs to be done and as I have explained several times now, it is NOT coming directly out of the public purse. That, is unlike the Houses of Parliment renovations which, as someone else pointed out earlier, IS coming out of the public purse and will have far more impact on taxpayers becuase its buildings dont put anything into it.


Any attacks on that? No - Royals are the target as usual.


to be honest on the house of Parliament we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring the government the center of England oops UK

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I think that the palace is a place which brings tourism into the country. How many people want a photograph outside it? However, I do believe that the Royal family should contribute towards its upkeep. Having said that I would not under any circumstances want to have their job. Their lives are not their own they hounded and any personal life is the property of the people. I don't care how much money they have nothing is worth freedom. It is however, time that the country looks at the problem with homeless when I was a child tramps as they were called then often opted to live on the streets. Now in the 2016 there are more and more people living on the streets. We accept that this is just the way of life. Prior to the Thatcherism days this just did not happen. Something needs to be done perhaps council houses should not have been sold off in the 1980's?

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Well, just for balance, the spend is spread out over a decade and parts of Buckingham Palace haven't been rewired and such for a very long time. Plus, it generates revenue from tourism.


The cost over 10 years is only as much as we send to the EU EVERY WEEK!! (ahem...apparently).


Calm down Wat Tyler.


This kind of thing is just human nature, always will be poor people and they'll always be rich and powerful people. It'll never change so moan all you want but your viewpoint is insignificant in comparison to 1000's of years of this happening

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This kind of thing is just human nature, always will be poor people and they'll always be rich and powerful people. It'll never change so moan all you want but your viewpoint is insignificant in comparison to 1000's of years of this happening

So we should still send kids up chimneys and have work houses ,

Oh wait a minute :mad:

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i think your wrong.


those of us that are capable of simple maths have worked out that the royal family is great for the uk, and generates a LOT more income than they cost.

so, can you please expand on this, if there is a simple maths equation that proves the royal family generate more income than they cost, then you do indeed have proof that i am wrong, so could you please break down this maths equation for us..

otherwise we will just assume its all hearsay

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you do understand how wikipedia works dont you? thats not at all factual and should never be refered to as such. any page can be edited by anyone.


you or i could edit that page right now should be wish. at best wiki is a work of unverifiable fiction.




As with any other source of information Wiki should be viewed with Caution. (intentional Cap C) References aught to be viewed and there are often different viewpoints and information is only ever as good as the last piece if research will allow. Also there are statistics, statistics, and as was pointed out earlier in the thread "Lies" damned lies."

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