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Whats a million quid or two matter.

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The Royal Family are immigrants!!!!! This could be the first time that the popular myth of immigrants having vast sums on public money spent on housing them is true!

Philip is Greek so when our Government finally decides to get us out of that daft union he will have to go home :hihi:

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I thought you did, hence Im trusting your experience. Whats statutorly homeless?


Sorry for the delay in replying.


Someone is legally homeless if they have no accommodation available to them or they have accommodation available but it is not reasonable for them to occupy it (this latter covers situations where someone lives with a perpetrator of domestic abuse, or very poor living conditions, severe overcrowding, etc.). This is what Shelter mean when they say 120,000 children will be homeless this Christmas.


Most of those families will be owed a duty to be re-housed by their local authority because they will also be automatically in 'priority need' due to having children under 18. Whether someone is owed the full homeless duty is not dependent on them being on benefits or having no income or assets as ECCOnoob wrongly stated. There are plenty of working families who are legally homeless and who are owed the main homeless duty to be rehoused by their local authority (known as being 'statutorily homeless') because they meet the five point test of homelessness: They are homeless, in priority need, are eligible (all UK and Irish nationals are eligible as are some EEA and non-EEA nationals but this gets very complex), are not homeless intentionally and have a local connection to their local authority area.



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Sorry for the delay in replying.


Someone is legally homeless if they have no accommodation available to them or they have accommodation available but it is not reasonable for them to occupy it (this latter covers situations where someone lives with a perpetrator of domestic abuse, or very poor living conditions, severe overcrowding, etc.). This is what Shelter mean when they say 120,000 children will be homeless this Christmas.


Most of those families will be owed a duty to be re-housed by their local authority because they will also be automatically in 'priority need' due to having children under 18. Whether someone is owed the full homeless duty is not dependent on them being on benefits or having no income or assets as ECCOnoob wrongly stated. There are plenty of working families who are legally homeless and who are owed the main homeless duty to be rehoused by their local authority (known as being 'statutorily homeless') because they meet the five point test of homelessness: They are homeless, in priority need, are eligible (all UK and Irish nationals are eligible as are some EEA and non-EEA nationals but this gets very complex), are not homeless intentionally and have a local connection to their local authority area.




Cheers bob, I'll have a read through.

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Sorry for the delay in replying.


Someone is legally homeless if they have no accommodation available to them or they have accommodation available but it is not reasonable for them to occupy it (this latter covers situations where someone lives with a perpetrator of domestic abuse, or very poor living conditions, severe overcrowding, etc.). This is what Shelter mean when they say 120,000 children will be homeless this Christmas.


Most of those families will be owed a duty to be re-housed by their local authority because they will also be automatically in 'priority need' due to having children under 18. Whether someone is owed the full homeless duty is not dependent on them being on benefits or having no income or assets as ECCOnoob wrongly stated. There are plenty of working families who are legally homeless and who are owed the main homeless duty to be rehoused by their local authority (known as being 'statutorily homeless') because they meet the five point test of homelessness: They are homeless, in priority need, are eligible (all UK and Irish nationals are eligible as are some EEA and non-EEA nationals but this gets very complex), are not homeless intentionally and have a local connection to their local authority area.




Verging OT, but be aware that unless you claim housing benefit, you have to pay handsomely for emergency accommodation. When I was homeless in 2006 I was told by the housing team they could put us in a B&B for £125 a night. Which makes you wonder how much B&Bs rip off councils when they charge them for accommodating homeless families.

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I think that the palace is a place which brings tourism into the country. How many people want a photograph outside it? However, I do believe that the Royal family should contribute towards its upkeep. Having said that I would not under any circumstances want to have their job. Their lives are not their own they hounded and any personal life is the property of the people. I don't care how much money they have nothing is worth freedom. It is however, time that the country looks at the problem with homeless when I was a child tramps as they were called then often opted to live on the streets. Now in the 2016 there are more and more people living on the streets. We accept that this is just the way of life. Prior to the Thatcherism days this just did not happen. Something needs to be done perhaps council houses should not have been sold off in the 1980's?



I would like to give it a go for 12 months, then I could give you a definitive answer. I suspect it would be the best 12 months of my life.



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The BBC has just reported that it is costing three hundred and sixty nine million to refurbish Buckingham Palace . Add to this the Royal Transport with private trains ,planes and cars so as all the hanger ons can enjoy all the goodies as well as all the other Palaces where they live rent free and the sums involved make the Russian gangsters who live here look like paupers. Our shop door sleepers can live in hope that one day the money's will be available s o as to allow social housing available to all .

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