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Whats a million quid or two matter.

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Well, you could read the article on the BBC; there is a nice section at the bottom about the Crown Estate. It's only 'taxpayers' money in the respect it's coming back out of the treasury after having been put in there two years ago, none of it is yours unless you have indirectly given money to the Crown Estate and contributed to their profits.


It's easier to just be outraged though.

would that be the same ingoings and outgoings that folks on here are outraged about when its say...the EU, or immigrants, or dole scoungers or............?


couldnt that 369 MILLION pounds be spent on the NHS? oh wait, i mean Oo

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would that be the same ingoings and outgoings that folks on here are outraged about when its say...the EU, or immigrants, or dole scoungers or............?


couldnt that 369 MILLION pounds be spent on the NHS? oh wait, i mean Oo


No idea. You want some more straws to keep going with that line of thought?

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It has been announced that while we are being asked to put our pennies in buckets for Children in need That great institution the Royal Family are to have Three hundred and sixty nine million pounds of tax payers money spent on Buckingham palace so as to bring it up to more modern standards.


While this great show of Royal extravagance is going on in our own City the Council are shutting care homes , sacking home helps, and telling us there is no money to build social housing so as people who are sleeping in shop door ways can get a modest roof over their heads .


How many units of social housing would that 369 million pounds bill provide ?I leave you to do the maths on that one .


When will the people of this Country wake up and see just how they are being ripped of by the establishment , when will a fair and decent system be put in place so as all citizens can consider them selves as equals in our land.


While SCC sit on a multi million war chest. Just saying like.

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It has been announced that while we are being asked to put our pennies in buckets for Children in need That great institution the Royal Family are to have Three hundred and sixty nine million pounds of tax payers money spent on Buckingham palace so as to bring it up to more modern standards.


While this great show of Royal extravagance is going on in our own City the Council are shutting care homes , sacking home helps, and telling us there is no money to build social housing so as people who are sleeping in shop door ways can get a modest roof over their heads .


How many units of social housing would that 369 million pounds bill provide ?I leave you to do the maths on that one .


When will the people of this Country wake up and see just how they are being ripped of by the establishment , when will a fair and decent system be put in place so as all citizens can consider them selves as equals in our land.


I share your angst, but what can the people actually do about it?

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I share your angst, but what can the people actually do about it?


to be honest i believe you can no do anything individually, in the present climate it is difficult, Anna what you doing, or suggest we do?

Edited by phil752
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Isn't it time the palace was sold off to the wonderful private sector? That seems to be the solution to everything and surely it's only a natural progression after selling off Royal Mail?


How about a PFI solution? It's what schools and hospitals and health centres have had to do when faced with repair and maintenance costs out of their reach.

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How many units of social housing would that 369 million pounds bill provide ?I leave you to do the maths on that one .



easy - none


if the government wanted to build social housing they would build it and would have done so long before now


---------- Post added 19-11-2016 at 08:43 ----------


While SCC sit on a multi million war chest. Just saying like.


who are they planning on declaring war on?


---------- Post added 19-11-2016 at 08:44 ----------


And how did the crown estate get into their hands , did god give it to them .


ummm actually.........................

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It has been announced that while we are being asked to put our pennies in buckets for Children in need That great institution the Royal Family are to have Three hundred and sixty nine million pounds of tax payers money spent on Buckingham palace so as to bring it up to more modern standards.


While this great show of Royal extravagance is going on in our own City the Council are shutting care homes , sacking home helps, and telling us there is no money to build social housing so as people who are sleeping in shop door ways can get a modest roof over their heads .


How many units of social housing would that 369 million pounds bill provide ?I leave you to do the maths on that one .


When will the people of this Country wake up and see just how they are being ripped of by the establishment , when will a fair and decent system be put in place so as all citizens can consider them selves as equals in our land.


It's a big tourist attraction bringing in billions to the country. Saying that im a republican and would do away with royal subsidy. They can fund themselves.

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