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Serial offenders in Sheffield

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Tis true though. Our city centre, on which we are spending so much money, will be worthless unless we rid it of the tramps who inhabit it. A start would be moving all the 'support services' like the salvation army and the archer project to somewhere outside of the centre, and refuse any assistance to anyone found begging or lying drunk in town. I don't want anyone to be hurt, but where did the 'work to make things better' ethos go in this country. It's sickening to see people relying on the state so much or wanting something for nothing.


Do you mean the private developers? They don't seem that bothered by the people you detest.


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 20:37 ----------


Don't worry mate , im a live and let live sort of person but sometimes when I see some things going wrong , I think drastic measures are required


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 20:29 ----------



Enlighten us all to the answer to this because you just say everyone is wrong


That wants to take out homeless people?

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Do you mean the private developers? They don't seem that bothered by the people you detest.


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 20:37 ----------



That wants to take out homeless people?


Come on mate you know that's not true :roll: We are talking about the type of feral scum that this thread was started about

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I would say the biggest factor on reoffending is the fact that punishment isnt severe enough. People think its to easy so therefore there is no deterrent to not reoffend.


Presumably you'd say that without actually reading about the subject or indeed knowing anything about it at all.

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A combination of the chances of being caught and the sentences are key factors.


In many case of course the short sentences and guaranteed parole are no deterrence.


Ask yourself how many times do these people have to serve the remainder of the previous sentence when rearrested.


Whatever happened to the idea of 3 strikes.....


Finally if these guys are behind bars then in most cases they are unable to commit further offenses


So I agree with II 49 although to save the cost of the injection perhaps hanging

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I don't think 'kill the poor' would play well at elections somehow.


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 09:29 ----------



Some people (and perhaps, judging by what is said about him, this chap is one of them) simply won't ever change.

Many more will however, given a little help. Do you know what the single biggest factor is that has an impact on reoffending?


Please point out where I ever said ‘kill the poor’, those words were never uttered by me. What I suggest is that we eradicate law breaking vermin who have absolutely no respect for society or anyone in it. Are you seriously telling me you want these kind of people around? If they do nothing but cause misery, fear and upset why would anyone fight their corner?

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