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Thailand Cave Rescue.

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R.I.P Saman, heroes the lot of them for the selfless sacrifice and risks to get them out, i think the entrance to the cave should be blown up to stop it happening again, and worse



Thats as daft as chopping down a forest because someone fell out of a tree once and died...


---------- Post added 12-07-2018 at 18:45 ----------


they said that about the Chile miners story too - also an absolutely first-class news story. But so far no movie.


Three years ago in fact it was released...




It's worth watching - it's not big hollywood budget stuff but it's pretty good.

Edited by Obelix
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don't you just love how they don't even wait like even one month, or one week or something before they announce that they are going to open a visitor centre. They do it while the lads are still in hospital and the mourning period for the dead Thai navy seal is not yet over. The Thais have no shame, it's just funny. They're nearly the best street-level capitalists ever, although that particular prize does go to the erstwhile communist cousins the Vietnamese, who are the best hustlers, in the world. The Thais aren't bad, but they aren't quite up to that level.


---------- Post added 12-07-2018 at 21:53 ----------


No one has mentioned this yet. I feel that the government had a big responsibility to post heavy non removable signs outside the front of the cave (s), saying "no entry during the monsoon season," with appropriate dates.


there was a few of them nbut that was one of the faults of the BBC radio coverage that.


they referred to the Thai wet, or rainy season, as a 'monsoon' in the bulletins.


that is just wrong. Monsoon is an Arabic language word originally, but it came into the English language following the British being in India and that is why the BBC and not American news networks so much use the word monsoon. Mumbai in India gets 90% of it's rainfall in only 2-3 months. The rest of the year it is nearly bone dry. But Chiang Rai in Thailand isn't like that at all. 90% of their rain falls in 6-8 months, the annual precipitation is spread out across the year much more, and nobody is quite sure, exactly what months that the very wettest ones are likely be either from one year to the next. The word monsoon should only be used talking about the weather in the Indian subcontinent really.

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is the sign non-removable though. That sign in the picture looks like it's worth a bit of money. It would make pretty a good roof for somebody's house. With the the side with the script on it pointed to the sky of course so you wouldn't have to read the farang writing on it while you're drifting off to sleep.

Edited by blake
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There are some wacking great caves in Yorkshire. You don't often hear of cavers or school trips get stuck in one. Many are free for exploration by the intrepid

"Spelunker ".In the UK, cave rescue and mountain rescue are provided by volunteers. The sport of caving is available to all-and long may it remain so.

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Congratulations to all those involved.

The coach had instructed the boys to meditate to conserve their energ.



yes a great international effort , but where were the Brazilians ?? they've got some of the best divers in the world but for some reason never showed up, disgusting if you ask me they should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

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There are some wacking great caves in Yorkshire. You don't often hear of cavers or school trips get stuck in one. Many are free for exploration by the intrepid

"Spelunker ".In the UK, cave rescue and mountain rescue are provided by volunteers. The sport of caving is available to all-and long may it remain so.


From my childhood, I remember a man getting wedged in some local cave, and no-one could get him out. For all I know his body is still there. Does anyone else remember it?

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