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Thailand Cave Rescue.

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I can't help thinking that there's a football coach whose contract will not be renewed, once he's reached the surface and can be presented to his employers. Taking the children in a cave during the start of the rainy season by himself was, at best, a daft thing to do.


My idea of getting the boys out quickly would be to look at sinking ring guides into important points at the areas where there's a change of direction on dryer parts of the caves, and literally using a rope to drag the boys from one ring to another, speeding up their own, possibly very slow, attempts at swimming. It would take a quite large team of burly adults, but after a couple of weeks sitting on a small rock ledge the poor boys aren't going to have the muscle power to swim for that long, are they?

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I read there is a stream that feeds into the caves during rain, cant they divert it away?


Depends on the geography, Niagara Falls flow can be controlled even though it is fed by one of the fastest running rivers in the World, but that took years to build and perfect the sluices. When you are talking about people trapped so far inside the type of terrain shown. It would take too long to construct a solid dam like structure, and we hear tIme is not on the trapped people's side.

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I can't help thinking that there's a football coach whose contract will not be renewed, once he's reached the surface and can be presented to his employers. Taking the children in a cave during the start of the rainy season by himself was, at best, a daft thing to do.



it was the coach's first season. But his predessessors all did it, it was a custom around there to take the kids into the cave. There would have been a rumpus if he'd decided to say no, we're not doing it this year out of all the years. Perhaps you'd like to see the guys predessessors lined up against the wall and shot too.

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it was the coach's first season. But his predessessors all did it, it was a custom around there to take the kids into the cave. There would have been a rumpus if he'd decided to say no, we're not doing it this year out of all the years. Perhaps you'd like to see the guys predessessors lined up against the wall and shot too.


It's a shame we don't recognise/reward people for using their own intelligence/judgement and going against custom, when it's appropriate to do so.


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 19:51 ----------


What was the thing about 100 or so drilling attempts made? I've heard it mentioned a few times, was it an attempt to rescue or just deliver resources to the boys?

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I can't help thinking that there's a football coach whose contract will not be renewed, once he's reached the surface and can be presented to his employers. Taking the children in a cave during the start of the rainy season by himself was, at best, a daft thing to do.


My idea of getting the boys out quickly would be to look at sinking ring guides into important points at the areas where there's a change of direction on dryer parts of the caves, and literally using a rope to drag the boys from one ring to another, speeding up their own, possibly very slow, attempts at swimming. It would take a quite large team of burly adults, but after a couple of weeks sitting on a small rock ledge the poor boys aren't going to have the muscle power to swim for that long, are they?


The parents of the trapped kids are not blaming the coach= https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jul/07/parents-boys-trapped-thai-cave-tell-coach-dont-blame-yourself-rescuers-race-against-time

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It's a shame we don't recognise/reward people for using their own intelligence/judgement and going against custom, when it's appropriate to do so.


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 19:51 ----------


What was the thing about 100 or so drilling attempts made? I've heard it mentioned a few times, was it an attempt to rescue or just deliver resources to the boys?


I think they were test bore holes , to try to find a way in

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According to what I've read. The boys are getting progressively weaker, due to lack of room within which to move and exercise their muscles.

I wonder if there is a way to assist them through the tunnel. I have seen from a profile map of the cave, there are two -difficult to negotiate- sumps that must be passed in order to get out. The psychological pressure on the boys will be

enormous. How is it possible to instil in these children, the presence of mind

needed to successfully deal with the terrifying ordeal of swimming out?


RIP to the diver who lost his life.

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it was the coach's first season. But his predessessors all did it, it was a custom around there to take the kids into the cave. There would have been a rumpus if he'd decided to say no, we're not doing it this year out of all the years. Perhaps you'd like to see the guys predessessors lined up against the wall and shot too.



Did I mention anything at all about someone being lined up against any wall?




Just because predecessors have done something as a custom doesn't make it safe, it just means that luckily nothing bad has happened when it was done before.


Would you apply the same logic to the people who decided to put flammable cladding on tower blocks? None of them killed loads of people in a horrific fire until last year, but it was still reckless with other people's lives to do it!




If the weather forecast had been consulted and the sheer quantity of rain predicted, nobody would have taken those children into a cave system that floods every year.


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 22:06 ----------




That is their prerogative to forgive. All I know is that when I have other people's children in my care I'm far more cautious than I know their parents are, because I know that I would not deal with allowing them to be put at risk while with me. I'd still expect to answer some big questions if I'd put so many kids in a risky position.

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All I know is that when I have other people's children in my care I'm far more cautious than I know their parents are, because I know that I would not deal with allowing them to be put at risk while with me. I'd still expect to answer some big questions if I'd put so many kids in a risky position.


This is so very true. When my children were young, I babysat a couple neighborhood kids and totally agree. Other parents will always hold their child's caretaker to much higher standards than they would observe themselves.

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One idea they are looking at to get the boys out, is one boy holding on to a navy diver who will guide them through the cave using a static rope to hold on to, and receiving air from the navy divers tank. Also placing tanks filled with air along the route for when needed.

If they new for sure that the ledge where the boys are will not flood then I would say wait until the rainy season ends, I’m sure they will be able to get the essentials to them, but I’m not the expert.


What ever the outcome, the government wants to look at health and safety, probably non existant in Tialand.

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