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Thailand Cave Rescue.

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I cross-referenced with Reuters at the time, and they were also reporting 6, but have now changed it to 4 with a correction acknowledged.



At least Reuters have the grace to admit they got it wrong earlier. There does seem to be a tendency for some news organisations to be so keen to be the first to report on events that they don't worry too much about being accurate. People then come along accusing those that take the time to check things before reporting on them are slow. However, complaining about the quality of journalism is off topic for this thread so I'll leave further comments on that for another time.

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it wasn't the coach's fault as you said.


it wasn't a bunch of superstitious ignorant peasants being stupid, as somebody else implied either.


they group did what people around normally do around there apparently and had done for years and with nothing untoward happening on all the prior occasions. As a rite-of-passage type event, as is their custom, they decided to go deep into this cave as is not all that uncommon in Thai culture where it seems sleeping a dark cave for about a week with some rice, candles and a Buddha statue, is not unusual if somebody is facing an important decision. Only this time, there was a geological freak event.


it could have happened anywhere.

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it wasn't a bunch of superstitious ignorant peasants being stupid, as somebody else implied either.


Who implied that? I certainly didn't notice any suggestion of anything remotely close to that on this thread. Was something said on another forum?

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you wrote :


"unsafe or inappropriate rituals/traditions need challenging, not perpetuating."


that sounds pretty close to it, to me.


I don't know about this soccer team cavers group, but as it happens, quite a lot of Thais, and Cambodians, and Filipinos ARE a bunch of superstitious, suggestible peasants and I wouldn't attempt to deny it.


however this lets-go-down-the-cave for a bit of a laugh at the end of the soccer season and which got them into a whole heap of trouble on this occasion, isn't anything much to do with any of that. It' normal, unless you think sitting in a cave for 2 weeks next to a Buddhist shrine with a couple of kilos of rice and plenty of candles, when you are mulling over whether you want to accept a job offer in a different province is a sign that you are a superstitious suggestible peasant.

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you wrote :


"unsafe or inappropriate rituals/traditions need challenging, not perpetuating."


that sounds pretty close to it, to me.


Sounds like a flippin massive leap to me. Wish I had your imagination!

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it wasn't the coach's fault as you said.


it wasn't a bunch of superstitious ignorant peasants being stupid, as somebody else implied either.


they group did what people around normally do around there apparently and had done for years and with nothing untoward happening on all the prior occasions. As a rite-of-passage type event, as is their custom, they decided to go deep into this cave as is not all that uncommon in Thai culture where it seems sleeping a dark cave for about a week with some rice, candles and a Buddha statue, is not unusual if somebody is facing an important decision. Only this time, there was a geological freak event.


it could have happened anywhere.


No. There was a wholly possible and predictable seasonal weather event. Geology has nothing to with it.

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knowing the Thais and the Thai culture as i do i reckon the boys will do very well during the escape, the Thai mentality is very resilient and very strong they see good and positive in just about everything, god speed or Bhudda speed the boys out safely!

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knowing the Thais and the Thai culture as i do i reckon the boys will do very well during the escape, the Thai mentality is very resilient and very strong they see good and positive in just about everything, god speed or Bhudda speed the boys out safely!

"..... They won’t be required to take exams that were scheduled for next week ...."



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