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Kickboxing comp

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I think if you can come out of a ring after a fight and know that you did everything you possibly could, knew you fought the best fight you could and have at least picked up on 1 or 2 things you should be working on then that is what matters, win or lose.

That said, a continued run of losing bouts can't be too good for mentally, or even physically I suppose.

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I think if you can come out of a ring after a fight and know that you did everything you possibly could, knew you fought the best fight you could and have at least picked up on 1 or 2 things you should be working on then that is what matters, win or lose.

That said, a continued run of losing bouts can't be too good for mentally, or even physically I suppose.


Too true Stussonicos.

Sometimes you learn more from bouts you lose (by a close decision as opposed to a butchering).

A win by early KO is good for the ego though LOL

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Too true Stussonicos.

Sometimes you learn more from bouts you lose (by a close decision as opposed to a butchering).

A win by early KO is good for the ego though LOL





Your right, a win by KO early is good for moral, although I suppose any win is.

There is a limit i suppose to how much satisfaction can be gained by early knockouts, I would think most fighters would like to have a fight were they are tested, where they are having to try to beat the guy and then eventually do. I know some gyms will 'pick' their fighters opponents to hopefully guarantee a win or stoppage, personally I don't see what can be gained by this.

Your right, I don't think anyone learns anything from getting a hiding, excepts perhaps to keep their hands up, or take up chess ;)

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Thats a good post Westley. A lot of gyms choose opponents who have a poor record etc. One time I lost this fight and took some right old hammer (this guy could punch, Ex amateur boxer , now boxing pro from what I have been told beat Craig Bromley from Brendan Ingles gym). All of a sudden all the kickboxing promoters were wanting to be my best mate !

They were all ringing me up and offering me £££ & title shots and all sorts and asking me to fight on their show.




When I turned down a few generous offers, I was then labelled an idiot :P

The joys of being self managed eh?


If you have 10 fights and get 10 wins over novices or poor opponents, then sooner or later you will fight someone else with 10 wins against "REAL" opponents. Thats when youll be stuck.


My fighters hopefully will not have to go through what I had to go through.

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I think alot of fighters out there have built up fight records by getting in the ring with under experienced/under weight fighters, knowing full well there is no chance they are going to lose (on paper at least). Only then to get in the ring with someone with a fight record that maybe doesn't match theirs in terms of fight numbers or wins, but can really walk the walk, that's when they come unstuck.

However, it's not the easiest of jobs trying to find two fighters that can be matched on weigth and experience for ever bout, but that's were it comes down to negotiation to try and even it out a little I guess, (altering fight rules/rounds/technique limitations/protective wear/amount of purse offered).

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I think alot of fighters out there have built up fight records by getting in the ring with under experienced/under weight fighters, knowing full well there is no chance they are going to lose (on paper at least). Only then to get in the ring with someone with a fight record that maybe doesn't match theirs in terms of fight numbers or wins, but can really walk the walk, that's when they come unstuck.

However, it's not the easiest of jobs trying to find two fighters that can be matched on weigth and experience for ever bout, but that's were it comes down to negotiation to try and even it out a little I guess, (altering fight rules/rounds/technique limitations/protective wear/amount of purse offered).


I can relate. A lot of my losses were due to being overmatched earlier on. Whenever the opposite happened however, I was then accused of trying to pick "bums" when in actual fact it was most likely a "fair match" for a change.

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Hi chefkicker


the rigs are going ok, I'm training regular too. I've been doing a lot of circuit training with an ex marine, thats keeping me fit..

I'm back in 6 days, will you be availble for some 121 lessons as i'm only back home for a week ??


Also what is that show in september you were talking about? I thought there was just one in november:confused:


Cheers SI:thumbsup:


P.s beaver what weight are you...??:thumbsup:

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"Mind you having said that in FC once I took the fight on 4 days notice, I weighed in at 63KG, he weighed in at 75KG! I managed a Draw out of that.

I did feel the weight difference he was physically stronger than me and closed the distance a lot choosing "spoiling" tactics. He has not retired from fighting recently with the WKA Midland area English National Full Contact Title Belt.


I am honoured to have shared the ring (and the decision) with this gentleman."


WHo was this please?

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I would agree with what stusso and farhad have said above.


You know, there is such wide spectrum of fighters out there that

a fight record isn't much of a reliable indication of a fighters ability.


It really depends on which specific opponents you have been against.

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Hi chefkicker


the rigs are going ok, I'm training regular too. I've been doing a lot of circuit training with an ex marine, thats keeping me fit..

I'm back in 6 days, will you be availble for some 121 lessons as i'm only back home for a week ??


Also what is that show in september you were talking about? I thought there was just one in november:confused:


Cheers SI:thumbsup:


P.s beaver what weight are you...??:thumbsup:


Hi Simon

Hows it going? Glad to know the Ex marine is keeping you fit. Does he do any focus mitt work with you?

There are shows in september in November that I will be doing.

See you soon


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