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How to reduce drug related crime?

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In 1982 a doctor called John Marks was handing out heroin to addicts — free, on the NHS. What happened was that there was a 93% drop in theft and burglary. If it can happen in the Wirral in 1982, why not try something similar today, across the whole of the country? It's worth looking at.



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In 1982 a doctor called John Marks was handing out heroin to addicts — free, on the NHS. What happened was that there was a 93% drop in theft and burglary. If it can happen in the Wirral in 1982, why not try something similar today, across the whole of the country? It's worth looking at.




Genuine question, but is this not what we do currently with methadone?

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Genuine question, but is this not what we do currently with methadone?


Problem is that many users with a meth scrip need a top up of brown.

Consequently there’s a continuing problem with low level shoplifting, begging and acquisitive crime.

(No I don’t know the answer apart from legalising the stuff)

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Genuine question, but is this not what we do currently with methadone?


Methadone is a synthetic opiate manufactured for use as a painkiller and as substitute for heroin in the treatment of heroin addiction. It has similar effects to heroin but doesn't deliver the same degree of buzz or high as heroin.


Maybe its like smoking ecigs instead of the real thing?

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Problem is that many users with a meth scrip need a top up of brown.

Consequently there’s a continuing problem with low level shoplifting, begging and acquisitive crime.

(No I don’t know the answer apart from legalising the stuff)


I would never ask you what the answer is, I have no idea myself :(

Why do people with a meth script need a top up? Again this is a genuine question.


---------- Post added 17-07-2018 at 21:51 ----------


Methadone is a synthetic opiate manufactured for use as a painkiller and as substitute for heroin in the treatment of heroin addiction. It has similar effects to heroin but doesn't deliver the same degree of buzz or high as heroin.


Maybe its like smoking ecigs instead of the real thing?


I don't pretend to know the answer to this problem.

I appreciate that heroin is a highly addictive drug.

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how to reduce Crime - so whys it just about drugs that most have said ?

simple solution cut the Mps pay packets or get rid of some :)

Use that money for more Police on streets .

Also CPS basics they need a kick up bum .

So many times Police have caught there Suspects and provided Evidence for CPS to let them off

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A few of the things in the article the OP linked didn't ring true about The Wirral.


So I looked up the author:


Johann Eduard Hari (born 21 January 1979) is a Swiss-British writer and journalist.


His journalism has been the subject of accusations of plagiarism, due to numerous cases of him including quotes from other sources as if they were said directly to him; something Hari initially denied but later admitted.


He was identified as, and later admitted being, the author of pejorative edits (under an anonymous pseudonym) of his critics' Wikipedia pages.


Hari's Orwell Prize, awarded to him in 2008, was officially revoked following charges of plagiarism and he was asked to return it.


It turns out the doctor's surgery wasn't even on the Wirral, but in Widnes.

Edited by alchresearch
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