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Hmmm... :huh:



... a visit to an acupuncturist?



I think I'd rather stick pins in my eyes... :roll:


It might help, though. If the migraine is of psychosomatic origin. Still, I'd look for cheaper and more pleasant placebo :)

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CathS - sometimes acupuncture is available on the NHS. In such cases it might be offered by the physiotherapy service. It is worth asking the staff at your GP surgery.


Also consider discussing your problem with the dentist. Grinding of teeth (bruxism) during sleep can be a trigger factor in migraine. He or she will know by the wear pattern on your teeth. A simple splint can be made for the lower jaw and this can be very helpful in preventing migraine.

Edited by Jomie
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Thanks everyone! Will check out the links.

I am speaking to my GP this week so will ask about the NHS, I can however get private therapy paid for so may be quicker.

I'm not really a tooth grinder, have been to my dentist recently . Thanks

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