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Why do buses have Timetables if they aren't going to stick to them?

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My dad being a bus driver, I get to hear a lot about why buses are late, and various other stories. Timetables are a rough guide as to when a bus is supposed to turn up at that stop, it isn't going to be exact, because of various factors, traffic being one, passenger numbers, breakdowns, human error, etc.


Some of the roads in Sheffield are also very bad for buses to get through on, the narrow ones being some of the worst, especially in winter, which is why a lot of bus routes are stopped in winter, some of the roads they just can't get up, they don't have the power, and in other cases, it would be a massive risk to the driver, passengers, and other road users.


Then you have passenger problems, where someone might come on, fish around the purse, or pockets for money, or my favourite, argue with the driver about the bus route, I remember this happening, and it's just a massive waste of time, not the fault of the driver that a passenger is giving lip. And if you end up with more passengers than normal getting on or off at a stop, then it slows the bus down.


Breakdowns also happen, which takes a bus off the route, so they will try and either pull another bus off a less populated route to take over for the bus that broke down, or the bus behind has to pick up the slack.


Human error can occur, where the driver does make a mistake, I have been on buses where the driver has forgotten that I rang the bell, doesn't happen often, and it's a bit inconvenient, but it happens, we all make mistakes.


You do also have some drivers who do just take the ****, but I believe they are few and far between, for the most part, they are just trying to do a job, just like everyone else.

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Catching the 1a from Herdings to Ecclesfield the past two days as been really shocking,you get to the Bus stop at Newfield Green with a Electric Time Table inside the Stop,and the 1a should be there at 5.10 a.m but Wednesday it Turned up at 5.20 a.m then the Bus Drives drove 10 miles per hour all the time,so was 10 minutes late for Work,Today again the Bus was late but the Driver never tried make up for lost time,and when i got of the bus the Driver said "I am only 4 minutes Late,with a Smile in is Face,Do the Drivers ever get punished for being late No that"s why the Love making people late for work and something to laugh about with the other Drivers

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Catching the 1a from Herdings to Ecclesfield the past two days as been really shocking,you get to the Bus stop at Newfield Green with a Electric Time Table inside the Stop,and the 1a should be there at 5.10 a.m but Wednesday it Turned up at 5.20 a.m then the Bus Drives drove 10 miles per hour all the time,so was 10 minutes late for Work,Today again the Bus was late but the Driver never tried make up for lost time,and when i got of the bus the Driver said "I am only 4 minutes Late,with a Smile in is Face,Do the Drivers ever get punished for being late No that"s why the Love making people late for work and something to laugh about with the other Drivers


Drivers don't laugh with each other for you being late, don't worry! And they do get punished if they can't explain why they missed a time point, or go to fast, or break too suddenly, I could go on, but if you think it's a walk in the park, go become a bus driver, they are recriting!

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  • 3 months later...

Bus fares have just gone up,but the Service we get from First is totally useless in Trust,Use to the 56 or 1A at Newfield Green for 5.06 am for 56 and 5.10 a.m for 1A,but now the 56 as gone,the 1A never gets to Newfield Green for 5.10 a.m with more passengers filling the Bus,suppose to leave town at 5.26 a.m but never makes it on time now,so then the 1A is supposed to be at Ecclesfield for 5.50 a.m but never makes it on time,so making loads of people late for work,Why? can"t something be done it Improve Bus times in Sheffield because there is no use ringing up and complaining because nothing get done,as First always come out with Silly excuses,like the Shortage of Drivers

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Well we had the lovely experience of the last bus to Barnsley on Saturday (No.2 at 21:55) driving straight past the stop at the Rutland with the driver waving his hand to indicate that he couldn't pick up. With no trains, this meant a £27.50 taxi home. Something I am currently in the process of claiming back from Stagecoach and requesting a full explanation. 


The bus had the right number and destination on it and the lights were on. The driver clearly saw us. So will be interested to hear what the explanation is.  But either way it doesn't inspire confidence in bus services at the mo.

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