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New MPs' code 'risks cover-up claims'

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Just when you thought that MP's must now realise that the public dont trust them very much, and had better get their house in order, especially after the expenses scandal,, they now bring in a code to allow anonymity to MP's under investigation, surely this is open to abuse or am i missing something?

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Just when you thought that MP's must now realise that the public dont trust them very much, and had better get their house in order, especially after the expenses scandal,, they now bring in a code to allow anonymity to MP's under investigation, surely this is open to abuse or am i missing something?


I agree. A case of one law for them and another for the rest of us.


"MPs yesterday voted to grant themselves anonymity if accused of sexual harrassment or expenses fraud.

Minutes after the decision, a list of politicians under investigation vanished from Parliament's website."


Sorry, but when it comes to MPs who are supposed to serve their electorate, the British public have a right to know about them.


"Yesterday's vote means MPs being probed for misconduct of any nature, will not now be identified. They will remain anonymous while being investigated - and might not be named even if they are judged guilty."

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I'm not bothered if they're not named just for being investigated,it'd be possible for other MPs to throw mud just to put someone on the back foot for political gain...If any wrong doing is found however they should be identified and action taken against them..

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"MPs yesterday voted to grant themselves anonymity if accused of sexual harrassment or expenses fraud.

Minutes after the decision, a list of politicians under investigation vanished from Parliament's website."


I can’t think why they picked those two :)

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I'm not bothered if they're not named just for being investigated,it'd be possible for other MPs to throw mud just to put someone on the back foot for political gain...If any wrong doing is found however they should be identified and action taken against them..


I agree. I mentioned Labour MP John Woodcock on the Labour thread, where one poster had already judged him, despite the investigation being ongoing.


I'm also reminded of the Nigel Evans case in 2014:




Several accusers said in court that they did not consider themselves victims; another changed his story in the witness box
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I agree. I mentioned Labour MP John Woodcock on the Labour thread, where one poster had already judged him, despite the investigation being ongoing.


I'm also reminded of the Nigel Evans case in 2014:




On the other hand, how many MPs were actually charged and /or convicted of fiddling their expenses at the taxpayers expense, when it was quite clear many of them had? (Duck ponds, moats etc.)

The only reason they didn't end up in court was there were so many they couldn't arrest all of them. The only recourse in such circumstances is public reprobation.

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