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Poundland V poundworld-business strategies?

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99p shop was bought out by another pound shop - don't recall which. Might have been for 99p for all I know.


The reason why everything a pound has gone pop is alluded to in jokers post. They couldn't raise their prices like say poundstretcher could and didn't shrink their product sizes. Throw in fuel rises and business rate rises and they were borked.

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In the centre of Newcastle we had a Bargain Buy shop, which is a rival store I think, to the likes of Home Bargains. I thought they were the same firm, a member of staff told me that they were a different company.

Then it changed to Poundworld early in the year, but it wasn’t the same. I was told by a staff member that Poundworld owned Bargain Buys when I asked why it had changed.

There is a few Bargain Buys up here so I’m curious to see what will happen to them, that is if they are owned by Poundworld. I have had some good things from these shops, I thought they were better than Home Bargains.

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Surely when a buisiness/retailer names and bases it sales on on items @ £1 eventually are going to have problems with inflation alone. For a few years I have thought they can not hope to keep having things manufactured/produced to sell at this price


Maybe they should rename them the £2 shop and in a few years time the £3 shop and in 50 years time the £50 shop.


I remember there being €2 shops in France a few years ago but I don't think they had ever been €1 because it was about the same time that £1 shops first started over here. The euro was worth about 65p at the time.

I've not been over there since so don't know how they've progressed.

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Surely when a buisiness/retailer names and bases it sales on on items @ £1 eventually are going to have problems with inflation alone. For a few years I have thought they can not hope to keep having things manufactured/produced to sell at this price


Maybe they should rename them the £2 shop and in a few years time the £3 shop and in 50 years time the £50 shop.


Shouldn't the first increase be to the Guinealand???

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There was a television program last year or the year before about the competition between the pound shops. It showed quite a bit how Poundland sourced items and negotiated about the size of products. I have noticed Poundland do sell items for more than one pound now and the deals seem to be very good.

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I remember watching a program about the pound shops and how they source some of their products.

It showed you how Poundland made their own brand of Toblerone chocolate bar, which I thought was nice and weighed a bit more than Toblerone, I think they called their brand Twin Peaks, its now discontinued because of some disagreement by the makers of Toblerone. I still buy Toblerone from Poundland. However the company who make it are going to increase the size of this chocolate bar, and go back to the original shape because of complaints, which will also increase the price I suspect. I don’t think Poundland will be selling it for a pound when this happens or they might just stop selling it.

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