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Why has religion retained its appeal?

Message added by Vaati

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Three or four pages back, I asked the following question..


Unless I missed it, you still haven't provided an answer, yet you have continued to talk about the above (excessively). It appears that you are going to great lengths to dance around the subject, can you not just state (briefly and clearly) what you think consciousness, awareness and the mind are?

At the very least, please give your definition of consciousness (as that's the thing you've been talking most about)


Sorry, I have had to answer many questions.


Consciousness in its purity is what and who we are seeing, witnessing ourselves and everything inside and outside this. This consciousness is aware of our body, it is aware of our thoughts. It sees all of this happening, in order to be fully aware of this consciousness this can only happen when it is clear. If there are any clouds, thoughts ideas or other distracting things happening this consciousness is not fully seen or experienced.

When you see this consciousness clearly with no thoughts that doesn't mean you don't have a brain anymore, the brain is still there to speak, write, and sort problems.

The difference is that your consciousness can also see the mind but your mind cannot see your consciousness. That's why I sound like a weirdo to you.


Awareness is the process of becoming aware of your consciousness. Your mind is very useful but it is not who or what you are and it cant see any further than its own dimensions. Awareness is also the capacity to witness and watch everything consciously instead of unconsciously. A reaction from the brain is often unconscious, something happens, the reaction comes as a standard unaware standard response. Someone says hello to you, you don't think but automatically say hello back. When you are aware you don't respond automatic and instead look clearly and answer free from any reactions. The more aware you are, consciousness is seen and experienced and mind relaxes, mind is still there but only when you need it.


Mind is our thoughts, ideas, thinking. Mind will think about something and find solutions or ways to react when certain things happen.

Mind can only work like a biocomputer it can control our emotions body thoughts, culture, language. It has a lot of say over these things.

Many people here have said that they are their mind. The issue is that when this mind says it is who you are you become blind to your own consciousness. The mind says, I am who I am and your possibility of becoming aware of your consciousness has been closed.

Mind is not who you are, it is there, you can see it, your mind can influence your emotions but again your consciousness when fully aware witnesses all of this realising and seeing the confusion. And when you do see it, it does look silly because not many people bother with looking further than their minds and believe that is all they are. Mind is very intelligent but it cant see any further or beyond itself and will never ever know what consciousness is.


There is no way religion will ever lose its appeal. This process of people locked in their minds wanting to become aware and conscious is there.

This is an individual process and no church can do that for you. But there is a lot to be learned when becoming aware of ones consciousness. One of those things is that mind is not the master, it is only a slave and consciousness is what you really are.

Edited by dutch
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Sorry, I have had to answer many questions.


Consciousness in its purity is what and who we are seeing, witnessing ourselves and everything inside and outside this. This consciousness is aware of our body, it is aware of our thoughts. It sees all of this happening, in order to be fully aware of this consciousness this can only happen when it is clear. If there are any clouds, thoughts ideas or other distracting things happening this consciousness is not fully seen or experienced.

When you see this consciousness clearly with no thoughts that doesn't mean you don't have a brain anymore, the brain is still there to speak, write, and sort problems.

The difference is that your consciousness can also see the mind but your mind cannot see your consciousness. That's why I sound like a weirdo to you.


Awareness is the process of becoming aware of your consciousness. Your mind is very useful but it is not who or what you are and it cant see any further than its own dimensions. Awareness is also the capacity to witness and watch everything consciously instead of unconsciously. A reaction from the brain is often unconscious, something happens, the reaction comes as a standard unaware standard response. Someone says hello to you, you don't think but automatically say hello back. When you are aware you don't respond automatic and instead look clearly and answer free from any reactions. The more aware you are, consciousness is seen and experienced and mind relaxes, mind is still there but only when you need it.


Mind is our thoughts, ideas, thinking. Mind will think about something and find solutions or ways to react when certain things happen.

Mind can only work like a biocomputer it can control our emotions body thoughts, culture, language. It has a lot of say over these things.

Many people here have said that they are their mind. The issue is that when this mind says it is who you are you become blind to your own consciousness. The mind says, I am who I am and your possibility of becoming aware of your consciousness has been closed.

Mind is not who you are, it is there, you can see it, your mind can influence your emotions but again your consciousness when fully aware witnesses all of this realising and seeing the confusion. And when you do see it, it does look silly because not many people bother with looking further than their minds and believe that is all they are. Mind is very intelligent but it cant see any further or beyond itself and will never ever know what consciousness is.


There is no way religion will ever lose its appeal. This process of people locked in their minds wanting to become aware and conscious is there.

This is an individual process and no church can do that for you. But there is a lot to be learned when becoming aware of ones consciousness. One of those things is that mind is not the master, it is only a slave and consciousness is what you really are.


It's blatantly obvious that this is a passionate interest of yours, which you've studied and practiced at length, presumably? Assuming that you're right in saying that all the answers we seek become available to us once we connect with our true consciousness. Just out of interest, can you enlighten me on something, anything that your consciousness as revealed that science is yet to discover? PM me if you prefer.

Edited by danot
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It's blatantly obvious that this is a passionate interest of yours, which you've studied and practiced at length, presumably? Assuming that you're right in saying that all the answers we seek become available to us once we connect with our true consciousness. Just out of interest, can you enlighten me on something, anything that your consciousness as revealed that science is yet to discover? PM me if you prefer.


My consciousness revealed the true secret of cold fusion once, but I forgot what it was.

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Halibut. Why ridicule the idea of consciousness being a gateway to somewhere else?


Where did that come from? You asked if consciousness has revealed anything science has yet to discover and now you're talking about gateways.

What are you on about?

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Where did that come from? You asked if consciousness has revealed anything science has yet to discover and now you're talking about gateways.

What are you on about?


The initial question was addressed to 'dutch', not someone scientifically minded, which you aren't but we'll skip that.minor detail since it's irrelevant to my question.

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The initial question was addressed to 'dutch', not someone scientifically minded, which you aren't but we'll skip that.minor detail since it's irrelevant to my question.


As it happens, I am quite scientifically minded and very interested in altered states of consciousness.

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When I started about real religious knowledge on this “why has religion kept its appeal topic” I knew this would get a lot of reactions from people who have become stuck identified with their unconscious minds. With real religious knowledge I didn’t mean believing in some holy scriptures but the process of stopping all believes. Science has been good at reducing the old organised religions. The holy scriptures are not something to believe in. Is there any meaning in these scriptures? Yes and no, but these scriptures are absolutely useless when someone doesn’t understand their meaning. Some of them try to explain something meaningful our unconscious minds cannot understand. Any believe in anything is meaningless, including the believe that you are your mind.


Science looks at logical facts, that is fine and better than believing but still stays in that same mind. Your mind can believe in bible or be a logical scientist, either way this happens in this same mind and will stay at that level of inability to become aware of your consciousness.

Only humans identify with their thoughts. That is why humans are so obsessed with science and religion, no animal will start a scientific experiment or look for their ultimate source of awareness.


There are ways, techniques, to slow and silence the mind creating silent empty gaps that eventually reveal where your true natural centre is, how it connects with the universe and shows full understanding of your body mind and its death. Some scientist are trying to look for non physical emptiness but will only see that it cannot be measured, calculated, explained. The non physical centre of existence cannot be controlled, altered or manipulated by scientists.

So what is this emptiness, our unconscious minds cannot connect with. This borderless non physical hollow emptiness can be witnessed, not while thinking about it, but in total silence watching, experiencing. This eternal non physical emptiness is the very centre of everything. Physical matter is not the central main aspect, everything material will grow, deplete, live or die one day.

Try to think about it and you wont get it. Meditate, see, watch and witness, the mind calms down, things clear up, and if you become aware of your consciousness. This borderless emptiness that is actually the very centre of what and who you are can become visible. It doesn’t conflict with science, a scientist fully aware of their consciousness would see that material matter is only something temporary continuously changing form within an eternal hollow borderless emptiness.

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