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Why has religion retained its appeal?

Message added by Vaati

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It often allows people to give credence to their own bigotted views.


....and of course many don't need religion to do that.


That's all summed up nicely by a quote by Steven Weinberg.


"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

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We banned murder.

We banned FGM in the name of religion (well, for any reason, but in the name of religion is the typical justification for this barbarus practice).


Of course certain harmful religious practices should be illegal.


As for murder, I'm not sure that was ever legal in the first place?


We also tried banning alcohol in America in the 20's, and as a result, in some locations consumption actually increased. What about recreational drug use too, banning that only drives the problem underground where authorities lose control of the situation, it doesn't necessarily eradicate the 'problem'.


Aside from extreme cases, harmful cults etc; it seems better to me if people question things and make their own minds up.

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"Why has religion retained its appeal?"


Because people are inherently stupid!


They believe anything, even more so if their parents were telling them from an early age.


That is why there is racism, homophobia, sexism and any number of bigotted views.


Simply because people are stupid!

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Why has religion retained its appeal through the ages and continued to flourish in an age of scientific discovery and cynicism?


Is it an inherent flaw that lies within some of us. a delusional handicap that persuades a believer to disregard anything to the contrary and recognise this as true faith? Is it family pressures. intimidation, brainwashing. a desire for a sense of belonging. or perhaps the scientific theory hasn't provided enough tangible evidence to undermine creationism? Maybe its none of the above?


Any views on this?


I guess you talking of none radical religion

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I guess you talking of none radical religion


Just religion in general. Radical religion is generally a twisted interpretation of religious doctrine. Likewise, none radical religion is generally a more politically correct interpretation of religious doctrine. i.e. "The old Bible", which couldn't possibly be followed to the letter nowadays.

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"Why has religion retained its appeal?"


Because people are inherently stupid!


They believe anything, even more so if their parents were telling them from an early age.


That is why there is racism, homophobia, sexism and any number of bigotted views.


Simply because people are stupid!


You're wrong. It's because religion provides a framework for an age old human need to make sense of the world around them.

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